Elizabeth Fry eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 232 pages of information about Elizabeth Fry.

Elizabeth Fry eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 232 pages of information about Elizabeth Fry.

At this meeting with the civic authorities, Mrs. Fry offered several suggestions calculated to promote the well-being of the prisoners, sedately and gently explaining the reasons for the necessity of each.  They ran thus:—­

“1.  Newgate in great want of room.  Women to be under the care of women, matron, turnkeys, and inspecting committee.

“2.  As little communication with their friends as possible; only at stated times, except in very particular cases.

“3.  They must depend on their friends for neither food nor clothing, but have a sufficiency allowed them of both.

“4.  That employment should be a part of their punishment, and be provided for them by Government.  The earnings of work to be partly laid by, partly laid out in small extra indulgences, and, if enough, part to go towards their support.

“5.  To work and have their meals together, but sleep separate at night, being classed, with monitors at the head of each class.

“Religious instruction.  The kind attention we have had paid us.

“Great disadvantages arise from dependence upon the uncertainty and fluctuations of the Sheriff’s funds; neither soap nor clothing being allowed without its aid, and the occasional help of charitable people.”

Two extracts from the civic records prove how warmly the authorities received these suggestions, and in what esteem they held Mrs. Fry and her coadjutors.

SATURDAY, May 3, 1817.

     Committee of Aldermen to consider all matters relating to the jails
     of this city.

     Present—­The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, the Sheriffs, and several

     The Committee met agreeably to the resolutions of the 29th ult. at
     the Keeper’s House, Newgate, and proceeded from thence, attended by
     the Sheriffs, to take a view of the jail at Newgate.

The Committee, on viewing that part of it appropriated to the female prisoners, were attended by Mrs. Elizabeth Fry and several other ladies, who explained to the Committee the steps they had adopted to induce the female prisoners to work and to behave themselves in a becoming and orderly manner; and several specimens of their work being inspected, the Committee were highly gratified.

At another place is the following entry.  After giving date of meeting, and names of committee present, the minute goes on to say:—­

The Committee met at the Mansion House and were attended by Mrs. Elizabeth Fry and two other ladies, who were heard in respect of their suggestions for the better government of the female prisoners in Newgate.
Resolved unanimously:  “That the thanks of this Committee be given to Mrs. Fry and the other ladies who have so kindly exerted themselves with a view to bettering the condition of the women confined in the jail in Newgate, and that they be requested to continue their
Project Gutenberg
Elizabeth Fry from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.