Cecil Rhodes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 211 pages of information about Cecil Rhodes.

Cecil Rhodes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 211 pages of information about Cecil Rhodes.
of, 56
      Progressive leader, 72
      relations with Rhodes after the raid, 54
      rumours of his forthcoming raid, 45
      the Dutch and, 149
Jameson Raid, the, 9, 30
      a colossal blunder, 200
      aftermath of, 69
      its aim, 53
      tacitly encouraged by Rhodes, 51, 67
Jews, Polish, plight of, 193
Jingoes, the, 69, 107, 130, 135, 142, 163, 216
Joel, S., 24
Johannesburg, a shady operation in, 63
      flight from, 191
      goldfields of, 24


Kekewich, Colonel, entrusted with defence of Kimberley, 94
Kimberley, diamond mines in, 17, 24, 87
      relief of, 116
      Rhodes’ purchase of plots in, 21
      Rhodes’ secret negotiations, 76
      siege of, 75, 83, 94
      the I.D.B.  Act in operation, 113
Kitchener, Lord, and Boer concentration camps, 159
      intervenes in the Schoeman case, 221
      Rhodes and, 147
Koopman, Mrs. van, author’s admiration for, 48
      disillusionment of, 47, 74, 146
      her alarm at raid rumours, 45
      intimacy with Rhodes, 40
      Rhodes denies raid projected, 46
      under police supervision, 48
Kruger, President, 30, 53, 198
      and Mrs. van Koopman, 40
      candid criticisms of Rhodes, 92, 93
      death sentence for Reformers, 51
      “refreshers” for, 197
      Rhodes attempts alliance with, 90
      Rhodes’ bete-noire, 150
      Rhodes’ duplicity, 74
      warned against Sir A. Milner, 104


Ladysmith, relief of, 116
Lobengula, King, 36
      and Rhodesia, 25
      Cecil Rhodes and, 19
      his son becomes one of Rhodes’ gardeners, 37
Loyalists and concentration camps, 174


Mafeking concentration camp, 186
Majuba, defeat of British at, 73
Martial law in Cape Colony, 214 et seq.
“Martyrdom of Man” (Reade’s), its influence on Rhodes, 126
Matabele Rebellion, the, Rhodes’ courage in, 43
Matabeleland, 19
      acquired by the Chartered Company, 26, 90, 112
Matoppo Hills, an historic meeting, 43
    Rhodes’ burial-place, 72
Maxwell, Lady, an appeal by, 164
Merriman, Mr., 134, 150
    severs relations with Rhodes, 73
Methuen, Lord, mandate to Rhodes, 95
Milner, Sir (Viscount) Alfred, 4, 58
      a hint to Rhodes, 147
      and the Boers, 12, 85, 132
      and Rhodes, 74, 140, 148
      and the De Beers Company, 115
      appointed Governor of Cape Colony, 8, 85
      dignified speech, 134
      efforts for peace, 156
      his great object, 86
      influence of, 104
      misunderstood and misjudged 7, 12, 85, 104, 107, 108, 180, 228
      overruled from Whitehall, 135
      policy of conciliation, 130
      reports from Rhodes on defence of Kimberley, 94
      Rhodes’ distrust of, 13, 75
      the refugees and, 210
      the South African League, 90
      transferred to Johannesburg, 99

Project Gutenberg
Cecil Rhodes from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.