This can be made more difficult by requiring each player to keep one hand in his lap during the passing, balancing and lighting of the candle. In lighting, the next neighbor on the team may hold the box of matches while his teammate strikes the match necessary to relight the candle.
Play programs with everybody in the games, old and young, large and small, are replacing the fakers and chance-men in some of our County Fairs. Instead of a lot of disgusted individuals with empty purses winding their way on the long home trail we want to hear the laughter of the family group, still exhilarated as a result of a pleasant afternoon spent in happy, healthful recreation.
Everybody loves to play but few will admit it. In fact a great many do not realize that it is true. In order to get everybody in the game, it may be necessary to use unusual methods. A heterogeneous group can be led into the play program unconsciously if the leader uses the proper approach; and before old Deacon Hasbrook knows it, he and his good wife, neither of whom have played in nigh on to thirty-five years, will be laughing and frisking about with the rest in a way that you would have said impossible if you had known this sedate dignitary for the past twenty-five years.
The Grand March
Here is one way that it can be done. While the band is playing a lively march at one end of the field which is to be used for the games, have the leaders, who have been previously instructed, get all of the folks lined up in couples around the field for a grand march. A couple trained for the occasion leads the march when everybody is in line, marching about the circumference of the field. The leaders start their fancy marching. At one end they turn and march down the center of the field to the far end where the couples separate, the ladies going to the left and the gentlemen to the right. They reunite at the other end of the field. The march continues with numerous variations such as change of formation from double to formation of fours, marching diagonally across the field, crossing at the middle, etc. The march should end with the group arranged in couples around the circumference of the field with the ladies nearest the center. Have both groups face the center and have the ladies take one step forward and the men take one step backward.
The Games for All
One American flag on a short stick is handed to the leaders of both lines, that is, the leading lady and the leading gentleman, and at the signal to start the flags are passed about the circle (over the head), the ladies competing against the gentlemen to see which can pass the flag from hand to hand all the way around the circle in the quickest time. The race ends when the flag returns to the leader, who waves the same above his head, indicating the close of the race.