ICEBREAKERS, Edna Geister, The Womans Press, N.Y.
Social activities, Chesley, Association Press, N.Y.
Play, Emmett D. Angell, Little, Brown & Co., Boston.
Handbook for pioneers, Association Press, N.Y.
Camp and Outing activities,
Cheley and Baker, Association Press,
Community recreation, Draper, Association Press, N.Y.
Part I
For Primary Pupils
Cat and Mouse
One pupil is designated to play the role of cat, another that of mouse. The mouse can escape the cat by sitting in the seat with some other pupil. Thereupon that pupil becomes mouse. Should the cat tag a mouse before it sits in a seat, the mouse becomes cat and the cat becomes mouse, and the latter must get into a seat to avoid being tagged.
Aviation Meet
Three pupils constitute a team. Two are mechanicians, one the aviator. Each team is to have a piece of string about 25 feet long, free from knots. A small cornucopia of paper is placed upon each string. The mechanicians hold the ends of the string while the aviator, at the signal to go, blows the cornucopia along the string. The string must be held level by the mechanicians. The aviator first succeeding in doing this, wins for his team.
Button, Button
The pupils sit or stand in a circle with their hands in front of them, palms together. The one who has been selected to be “It” takes a position in the center of the circle, with his hands in a similar position. A button is held between his hands. He goes around the circle and places his hand over those of various individuals, dropping the button into the hands of one. He continues about the circle, still making the motions of dropping the button in the hands of others, so as to deceive those making up the ring. After he has taken his place in the center of the circle, those in the ring endeavor to guess into whose hands he has dropped the button, the one succeeding in doing this takes the button and continues the game.
Some object is determined upon for hiding, such as a coin, a button, a thimble, etc. A pupil is sent from the room. During his absence the object is hidden. Upon his return the children buzz vigorously when he is near to the object sought and very faintly when he is some distance away. The object is located by the intensity of the buzzing.