A Short History of English Agriculture eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 420 pages of information about A Short History of English Agriculture.

A Short History of English Agriculture eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 420 pages of information about A Short History of English Agriculture.

Strawberries, 15, 329, 331.

Stubble, grazing of, 4, 125.

Suffolk, 8, 30, 40, 57, 63n., 78, 112, 128, 147, 166, 168, 170,
    173, 174, 188, 207, 225, 238, 284, 306n., 309, 313;
  Punch, 335;
  sheep, 275, 344, 345.

Supplies of com per head, 330 (see Wheat, home supplies).

Surrey, 64, 128, 143, 144, 168, 180, 283, 306n.

Surveyor, the seventeeiith-century, 127.

Sussex, 54, 78, 259, 263, 283, 306n.;
  cattle, 274, 288, 336, 340, 343.

Swanage, 262.

Swedes, 227, 237, 276, 288, 331-2, 333.

‘Swing’ riots, 266.


Taltarum’s case, effect of, 122.

Tamworth pigs, 346.

  manor of, 18;
  good fanning near, 128.

Taxes, 247, 263-4, 307, 310;
  weight of, 183, 191, 229, 245, 246, 249, 250, 263, 320, 321.

  drinking, 205, 207, 213, 291;
  price of, 205.

Teams, composition of, 16.

Telford, 220, 222.

Tenant farmers,
  assist in agricultural progress, 162;
  number of, 141, 156;
  origin of, 46, 119.

Tenant-right, 283.

Teeswater cattle, 337.

Tewkesbury, 255.

Thatchers, 139, 354.

Thomson of Banchory, 276.

Thorney and Woburn estates, 321.

Three-field system, 4, 99.

  cost of, 34, 44, 65, 163, 179, 180, 198-9, 246;
  machine, 230, 236-7, 282;
  time for, 17, 126.

  decrease of, 79, 80, 94;
  encouragement of, 79, 108, 117-8;
  reaction against, 118.
  (See Arable, and Grass.)

Timber (see Oak timber), 227;
  spoils crops, 282.

Tiptree, 319.

  dispute, 102;
  on turnips, 166;
  rent charge, 270.

Tithes, 116, 144, 151, 189, 195, 230, 332, 247, 248, 249, 250,
  270, 305, 307.

Tooke, 179, 266.

Tours, Young’s, 190, 192.

Towns, movement of rural population towards, 64, 70, 108, 185, 192,
  195, 209, 315, 316-7.

Townshend, Lord, 163, 182-3, 192, 193.

Treatise on Husbandry, 33, 54.

Tull, Jethro, 152, 163, 174-7, 178, 180, 183, 193, 200-1, 204.

Turkeys, 170.

Turkish dominions, imports from, 323.

Turnip cutters, 276.

Turnip fly, remedies for, 166.

Turnips, 93, 111, 112, 115, 141, 143, 157, 164, 166, 168, 178, 183,
    251, 331-2, 333;
  cost of growing, in 1770, 198;
  injure wool, 329;
  sheep first fattened on, 112;
  spread of, in eighteenth century, 165, 166, 179, 191, 194, 200,
    201, 225;
  varieties of, in 1720, 165.

Tusser, 63, 90, 91, 92, 101, 102, 105, 111, 124, 126.

Two-field system, 3.

Project Gutenberg
A Short History of English Agriculture from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.