The Life of Jesus eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 409 pages of information about The Life of Jesus.

The Life of Jesus eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 409 pages of information about The Life of Jesus.


In Which the Sources of This History Are Principally Treated

A history of the “Origin of Christianity” ought to embrace all the obscure, and, if one might so speak, subterranean periods which extend from the first beginnings of this religion up to the moment when its existence became a public fact, notorious and evident to the eyes of all.  Such a history would consist of four books.  The first, which I now present to the public, treats of the particular fact which has served as the starting-point of the new religion, and is entirely filled by the sublime person of the Founder.  The second would treat of the apostles and their immediate disciples, or rather, of the revolutions which religious thought underwent in the first two generations of Christianity.  I would close this about the year 100, at the time when the last friends of Jesus were dead, and when all the books of the New Testament were fixed almost in the forms in which we now read them.  The third would exhibit the state of Christianity under the Antonines.  We should see it develop itself slowly, and sustain an almost permanent war against the empire, which had just reached the highest degree of administrative perfection, and, governed by philosophers, combated in the new-born sect a secret and theocratic society which obstinately denied and incessantly undermined it.  This book would cover the entire period of the second century.  Lastly, the fourth book would show the decisive progress which Christianity made from the time of the Syrian emperors.  We should see the learned system of the Antonines crumble, the decadence of the ancient civilization become irrevocable, Christianity profit from its ruin, Syria conquer the whole West, and Jesus, in company with the gods and the deified sages of Asia, take possession of a society for which philosophy and a purely civil government no longer sufficed.  It was then that the religious ideas of the races grouped around the Mediterranean became profoundly modified; that the Eastern religions everywhere took precedence; that the Christian Church, having become very numerous, totally forgot its dreams of a millennium, broke its last ties with Judaism, and entered completely into the Greek and Roman world.  The contests and the literary labors of the third century, which were carried on without concealment, would be described only in their general features.  I would relate still more briefly the persecutions at the commencement of the fourth century, the last effort of the empire to return to its former principles, which denied to religious association any place in the State.  Lastly, I would only foreshadow the change of policy which, under Constantine, reversed the position, and made of the most free and spontaneous religious movement an official worship, subject to the State, and persecutor in its turn.

Project Gutenberg
The Life of Jesus from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.