On The Art of Reading eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 241 pages of information about On The Art of Reading.

On The Art of Reading eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 241 pages of information about On The Art of Reading.
Comte, Auguste, 51
Congreve, William, 192
“Corinna, from Athens, to Tanagra,” Landor’s, 124, 125
“Corinthians, St Paul’s First Epistle to the,” 81, 82
Corson, Dr, 6, 66, 100
Cory, William (Johnson), 123
“Cotter’s Saturday Night, The,” Burns’s, 132, 139
Coverdale, Miles, 97,145, 158
Cowper, William, 100, 115, 192
Cranmer, Thomas, 97
Crashaw, Richard, 193
Cuthbert, 207
“Cyrano de Bergerac,” 111

Daniel, Samuel, 215
Dante, 27, 79, 104, 153, 164. 197
Darwin, Charles, 154
Davenant, Sir William, 151
“Death in the Desert, A,” Browning’s, 6, 7
“Descent of Man,” Darwin’s, 154
“Deserted Village, The,” 155
Dickens, Charles, 5, 193
Dionysius, 212
“Divina Commedia,” 52
“Doctor’s Tale, The,” 71
“Dolores,” Swinburne’s, 155
“Domesday Book,” 155
“Don Quixote,” 105
Donne, John, 82, 89, 105, 114, 155, 193
“Dream of Boccaccio,” Landor’s, 82
Dryden, John, 54
Dublin, University of, 131
Dunbar, William, 193
“Dutch Republic,” Motley’s, 82

Earle, John, 44, 49
“Ecclesiastes,” 161
“Ecclesiastical Polity,” Richard Hooker’s, 155
“Ecclesiasticus” 144
Education, 35 et seq. 
Ehrenreich, Dr Paul, 55
“Elegy written in a Country Churchyard,” Gray’s, 61, 144, 164
Eliot, George, 14
Ellis, A. J., 99
Elyot, Sir Thomas, 11
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 33, 203
“Eoethen,” Kinglake’s, 196
“Epipsychidion,” Shelley’s, 89
“Epistle to the Lady Margaret, Countess of Cumberland,”
  Samuel Daniel’s, 214, 215
Erasmus, 121, 209
“Erster Schulgang,” 39
“Esmond,” Thackeray’s, 82, 83
“Essay on Comedy,” Meredith’s, 110
“Essay on Man,” Pope’s, 144
“Essays,” Bacon’s, 94, 155
“Esther,” 161
“Ethics,” Aristotle’s, 1
Euclid, 93, 131
Euripides, 19, 21, 123, 157
“Everyman,” 176
“Everyman’s Library,” 198
Ezekiel, 161

“Faerie Queene, The,” 155
“Fairchild Family, The,” 40
“Festus,” Bailey’s, 155
“Fetch a pail of water,” 53
Fitzgerald, Edward, 118, 122, 155
Fort, Paul, 174
Fowler, F. G., 108
Fowler, H. W., 108
Franklin, Benjamin, 90
Frere, J. H., 193
“Friar’s Tale, The,” 71
“Friendship’s Garland,” Matthew Arnold’s, 38
Froissart, 155
Furnivall, 99

Galileo, 27
Galland, M., 43
“Gammer Grethel,” 43
Gautier, Theophile, 197
“Genesis, Book of,” 213
“Geneva Bible, The,” 155
Gibbon, Edward, 20, 21, 121, 131, 146, 149, 192
“Golden Treasury,” Palgrave’s, 155
Goldsmith, Oliver, 102, 105
“Gondibert,” Sir William Davenant’s, 151
“Grammarian’s Funeral, A,” Browning’s, 15
Grave, Robert Blair’s, 155
Gray, Thomas, 61, 144, 164
Gregory the Great, 207
Grimm, the brothers, 43
Grocyn, 121
Grosart, Alexander Balloch, 99
Gummere, Dr, 55, 56, 58

Project Gutenberg
On The Art of Reading from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.