Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 547 pages of information about Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi.

Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 547 pages of information about Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi.


  Secede huc tu, Sosia,
  enim vero illud praeter alia mira miror maxime,
  si haec habet pateram illam.

      Sosia!  Come over here. (they withdraw somewhat) Upon my
      soul, it will be the most astounding of all these astounding
      circumstances, if she has that.


  An etiam credis id, quae in hac cistellula
  tuo signo obsignata fertur?

      Do you really believe that, sir, when I’ve got it in this
      little chest here, sealed with your own signet?


  Salvom signum est?

      Is the seal intact?



      (showing chest) Look and see.


  Recte, ita est ut obsignavi.

      (doing so) It is all right—­just as I sealed it.


  Quaeso, quin tu istanc iubes
  pro cerrita circumferri?

      For heaven’s sake, why don’t you have her treated for


  Edepol qui facto est opus;
  nam haec quidem edepol larvarum plenast.

      By Jove, so I should!  Why, bless my soul, she’s full of evil

      ENTER Thessala WITH BOWL.


  Quid verbis opust?
  em tibi pateram, eccam.

      Are you satisfied, sir?  There!  Your bowl, see!


  Cedo mi.

      (dumbfounded) Give it here!


  Age aspice huc sis nunciam
  tu qui quae facta infitiare, quem ego iam hic convincam palam
  estne haec patera qua donatu’s illi?

Come now, be so good as to look at it, you that do a thing and then disown it.  I shall refute you plainly, sir, here and now.  Is this the bowl which they presented to you there, or not?


  Summe Iuppiter, 780
  quid ego video? haec ea est profecto patera. perii, Sosia.

      (taking it) Jove almighty!  What do I see?  The
      selfsame bowl, it is, it is!  This is frightful, Sosia!


  Aut pol haec praestigiatrix multo mulier maxima est
  aut pateram hic inesse oportet.

      By gad, she’s either the greatest enchantress alive, easily,
      or the bowl must be inside here. (pointing to chest)


  Agedum, exsolve cistulam.

      Come, come, unfasten the chest!


  Quid ego istam exsolvam? obsignatast recte, res gesta est bene: 
  tu peperisti Amphitruonem, ego alium peperi Sosiam;
  nunc si patera pateram peperit, omnes congeminavimus.

Unfasten it?  Why?  It’s sealed all right, everything is shipshape.  You have spawned another Amphitryon; I have spawned another Sosia; now if the bowl has spawned another bowl, we’ve all doubled.


Project Gutenberg
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.