Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 547 pages of information about Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi.

Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 547 pages of information about Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi.

      In your sleep, perhaps?


  Immo vigilans vigilantem.

      No, no, awake,—­and you were awake, too.


  Ei misero mihi.

      Oh, this is terrible, terrible!


  Quid tibi est?

      What ails you?


  Delirat uxor.

      My wife is raving!


  Atra bili percita est.
  nulla res tam delirantis homines concinnat cito.

      Bilious attack, sir, black bile.  There’s nothing sets ’em
      raving so soon.


  Ubi primum tibi sensisti, mulier, impliciscier?

      When did you first feel it coming on, woman?


  Equidem ecastor sana et salva sum.

      Goodness me!  I’m perfectly sane and sound.


Quor igitur praedicas, 730 te heri me vidisse, qui hac noctu in portum advecti sumus? ibi cenavi atque ibi quievi in navi noctem perpetem, neque meum pedem huc intuli etiam in aedis, ut cum exercitu hinc profectus sum ad Teloboas hostis eosque ut vicimus.
Then why are you declaring you saw me yesterday, when we reached port last night?  I took dinner there and spent the whole livelong night there on board my ship, and I have not set foot in this house from the time I and my troops started on our campaign against the Teloboians and conquered them.


  Immo mecum cenavisti et mecum cubuisti.

      The idea!  You had dinner with me and went to bed with me.


  Quid est?



  Vera dico.

      I tell you the truth, sir.


  Non de hac quidem hercle re; de aliis nescio.

      Good God!  Not in that, anyhow:  about other matters I can’t


  Primulo diluculo abiisti ad legiones.

      And at the very break of day you went away to the army.


  Quo modo?

      How’s that?


  Recte dicit, ut commeminit:  somnium narrat tibi.
  sed, mulier, postquam experrecta es, te prodigiali Iovi
  aut mola salsa hodie aut ture comprecatam oportuit. 740

Quite straight, sir, as far as her memory goes:  she’s giving you her dream.  But I say, ma’am, this morning after you woke up you ought to have taken some salted cakes, or incense, and prayed to Jove—­he has charge of prodigies.


  Vae capiti tuo.

      Oh confound you, sir!


  Tua istuc refert—­si curaveris.

      (innocently) That would do you good, ma’am—­if you
      would see to it.

Project Gutenberg
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.