Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 547 pages of information about Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi.

Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 547 pages of information about Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi.

      I am, I say.  How many times do you need to be told?


  Sed quid ais? num obdormivisti dudum?

      (reflecting) But look here, you were not asleep a while
      ago, were you?


  Nusquam gentium. 620

      Not a bit of it, sir.


  Ibi forte istum si vidisses quendam in somnis Sosiam—­

      Then perhaps, if you had seen that, well, that Sosia of
      yours in your dreams—­


  Non soleo ego somniculose eri imperia persequi.
  vigilans vidi, vigilans nunc te video, vigilans fabulor,
  vigilantem ille me iam dudum vigilans pugnis contudit.

I don’t do my master’s orders drowsily.  Wide awake I was, eyes open; I am wide awake with ’em open on you now; I am wide awake telling my story; and I was wide awake when he hammered me a while back, yes, and (ruefully) he was wide awake.


  Quis homo?



  Sosia, inquam, ego ille. quaeso, nonne intellegis?

      Sosia, I tell you, that me.  Pray do not you understand?


  Qui, malum, intellegere quisquam potis est? ita nugas blatis.

      How the devil can any man understand?  Such stuff and


  Verum actutum nosces, quom illum nosces servom Sosiam.

      (significantly) Well, you will know what I mean very
      soon, once you know that servant Sosia.


  Sequere hac igitur me,
        nam mi istuc primum exquisito est opus.[18] (628)

      (going toward house) Come then, this way.  This matter
      needs my investigation first of all. (stops to examine
      house from distance and talks with Sosia

II. 2.

Scene 2.



Satin parva res est voluptatum in vita atque in aetate agunda 633
praequam quod molestum est? ita cuique comparatum est in
aetate hominum;
ita divis est placitum, voluptatem ut maeror comes consequatur: 
quin incommodi plus malique ilico adsit, boni si optigit quid.

Oh, are not the pleasures in life, in this daily round, trifling compared with the pains!  It is our common human lot, it is heaven’s will, for sorrow to come following after joy:  yes, yes, and to have a larger share of trouble and distress the moment something nice has happened.

nam ego id nunc experior domo atque ipsa de me scio, cui voluptas
parumper datast, dum viri mei mihi potestas videndi fuit
noctem unam modo; atque is repente abiit a me hinc ante lucem.
sola hic mihi nunc videor, quia ille hinc abest quem ego amo
praeter omnes. 640
plus aegri ex abitu viri, quam ex adventu voluptatis cepi.

Project Gutenberg
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.