[Footnote 16: Corrupt
(Leo): qui venit modo intro MSS:
modo qui venit intro
[Footnote 17: Leo notes lacuna here: manicas (maxumas) Spengel.]
[Footnote 18: Leo notes lacuna here: ut (etiam) Schoell.]
[Footnote 19: Leo notes lacuna here: mihi (quod domist) Schoell.]
[Footnote 20: Leo brackets
the following v., 801:
Qui mihi in cursu opstiterit, faxo vitae is
opstiterit suae.]
[The man that stands in my
path shall forthwith stand in the
way of his own existence.]
[Footnote 21: Noli irascier follows in MSS: Leo brackets.]
[Footnote 22: Corrupt (Leo): laridum ac pernas Schoell.]
[Footnote 23: Corrupt (Leo): pern[ul]am Geppert.]
[Footnote 24: voltus
esurientis (vidi, eius extimescebam) Leo:
A reading doubtful: other
MSS omit the line.]
[Footnote 25: Corrupt
(Leo): te carens dum hic P:
carens dum huc A.]
[Footnote 26: tu huic MSS: nunc Leo.]
[Footnote 27: Leo brackets
the following v., 968:
si eris verax,
ex tuis rebus feceris meliusculas.]
[Footnote 28: Leo brackets the following v., 1016-1022:
Quid tu ais? adduatin illum huius captivom
Quin, inquam, intus hic est.
Fecisti edepol et recte et bene.
Nunc tibi pater hic est. hic fur est tuos,
qui parvom hinc
te abstulit.
At ego hunc grandis grandem natu ob furtum
ad carnificem dabo.
Meritus est
Ergo edepol merito meritam mercedem dabo.
sed tu dic oro. pater meus tune es?
Ego sum, gnate mi.
Nunc demum in memoriam redeo, cum mecum recogito.]
[Tynd. What do you say? Did you bring this gentleman’s captive son? Philocr. Yes, yes, he’s inside, I tell you. Tynd. By heaven, sir, you have acted fairly and honourably. Philocr. Now here is your father: and here is the thief who stole you away from here when you were small. Tynd. But now that we’re both big, I’ll hand him over to the executioner for that theft. Philocr. He deserves it. Tynd. Well then, I’ll give him his deserved deserts deservedly, by gad! But you, sir, speak I beseech you. Are you my father? Hegio I am, my dear lad. Tynd. Now at last I remember—when I think it over.]
* * * * *
[Transcriber’s Corrections: Captivi (The Captives)
spelling unchanged,
as in Amphitryon ]
I. 1.
...have dubbed me Missy, on
the ground that...
text reads on
the gound