Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 547 pages of information about Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi.

Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 547 pages of information about Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi.
Quod mihi praedicas vitium, id tibi est. (402) quid, malum, non sum ego servos Amphitruonis Sosia? nonne hac noctu nostra navis huc ex portu Persico venit, quae me advexit? nonne me huc erus misit meus?
Crazy?  You’re putting your own complaint off on to me. (half to himself) See here, dash it, an’t I Amphitryon’s servant Sosia?  Didn’t our ship arrive this night from Port Persicus, and I on it?  Didn’t my own master send me here?
nonne ego nunc sto ante aedes nostras? non mi est lanterna in manu? non loquor, non vigilo? nonne hic homo modo me pugnis contudit? fecit hercle, nam etiam misero nunc mihi malae dolent. quid igitur ego dubito, aut cur non intro eo in nostram domum?
An’t I standing in front of our own house this minute?  Haven’t I got a lantern in my hand?  An’t I talking?  An’t I awake?  Didn’t this chap just give me a bruising?  Lord, but he did!  Why, my poor jaws ache even now.  What am I hesitating for, then?  Or why don’t I go inside our house?


  Quid, domum vostram?

      What?  Your house?


  Ita enim vero.

Yes, just so.

  Quin quae dixisti modo 410
  omnia ementitu’s:  equidem Sosia Amphitruonis sum.
  nam noctu hac soluta est navis nostra e portu Persico,
  et ubi Pterela rex regnavit oppidum expugnavimus.
  et legiones Teloboarum vi pugnando cepimus,
  et ipsus Amphitruo optruncavit regem Pterelam in proelio.

You lie, I tell you:  your every word has been a lie.  I am Amphitryon’s Sosia, beyond dispute.  Why, this very night we unmoored and left Port Persicus; and we have seized the city where King Pterelas held sway; and we subdued the legions of the Teloboians by our sturdy onslaught; and Amphitryon himself slew King Pterelas on the field of battle.


  Egomet mihi non credo, cum illaec autumare illum audio;
  hic quidem certe quae illic sunt res gestae memorat memoriter.
  sed quid ais? quid Amphitruoni doni a Telobois datum est?

(aside) I can’t believe my own ears when I hear that fellow going on so.  My word, he certainly does reel our doings there all off pat. (aloud) But I say—­what was Amphitryon presented with from the Teloboian spoils?


  Pterela rex qui potitare solitus est patera aurea.

      A golden bowl that King Pterelas was wont to drink from.


  Elocutus est. ubi patera nunc est?

      (aside) He’s hit it! (aloud) Where is the bowl now?


  Est in cistula; 420
  Amphitruonis obsignata signo est.

      In a little chest, sealed with Amphitryon’s signet.

Project Gutenberg
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.