Ergo animum advortas volo
quae nuntiare hinc te volo in patriam
ad patrem.
Well then, I wish
you to pay attention to the message I wish
you to take home
to him.
Philocrates, ut adhuc locorum feci, faciam
ut potissimum quod in rem recte conducat
id petam idque persequar corde et animo
atque viribus.
I’ll do
the best I can for you, sir, just as I always have:
anything that
makes for your good, sir, I’ll work my hardest
for, and follow
up with all my heart and soul and strength.
Facis ita ut te facere oportet. nunc animum advortas volo: omnium primum salutem dicito matri et patri et cognatis et si quem alium benevolentem videris; 390 me hic valere et servitutem servire huic homini optumo, qui me honore honestiorem semper fecit et facit.
The proper spirit. Now I wish you to pay attention. First of all, remember me to my father and mother and my relatives and anyone else you may see who is interested in my welfare; tell them I am in good health here and a slave of this most estimable gentleman who has always accorded me the (with emphasis) very extraordinary consideration which I still enjoy.
Istuc ne praecipias, facile memoria memini tamen.
No instructions
needed along that line, sir: I can remember
to mind that easily
enough, without.
Nam equidem, nisi quod custodem habeo,
liberum me esse arbitror.
dicito patri, quo pacto mihi cum hoc convenerit
de huius filio.
For really, aside
from the fact that I have a guard, I feel
that I am a free
man. Tell my father what arrangement this
gentleman and
I have made regarding his son.
Quae memini, mora mera est monerier.
Mere waste of time, sir, to remind me of what I remember.
Ut eum redimat et remittat nostrum huc amborum vicem.
That he is to
ransom him and send him back here in exchange
for us both.
I’ll remember.
At quamprimum pote: istuc in rem utriquest maxime.
Yes, but just
as quickly as possible: that’s of the highest
importance to
each of us.
Non tuom tu magis videre quam ille suom gnatum cupit.
You don’t
long to see your son any more than he does his,
Meus mihi, suos cuique est carus.
My son is dear to me, as his own son is to every father.
Numquid aliud vis patri