[But this Priam is far superior to that one, not a mere fifty sons has he; he has four hundred, yes, and every one is unquestionably a choice and flawless specimen. This day I will annihilate ’em all with just two blows. Now, if there is anyone who cares to buy our Priam, I will sell off the old gentleman I have on sale, as a job lot, the moment I have taken the town by storm.]
[Footnote 28: ut quod iubeo facias follows in MSS: Leo brackets.]
[Footnote 29: Leo brackets
the following v., 1081:
duxi, habui
scortum. potavi, dedi, donavi, sed enim id raro.]
[Footnote 30: Leo brackets
the following v., 1100:
immo edepol
sic ludos factum]
[Footnote 31: Minae ambae Colerus: thimiame MSS.]
[Footnote 32: tis Schroeder: is MSS.]
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[Transcriber’s Corrections: Bacchides (The Two Bacchises)
I. 2.
text reads THE
HOUSE OF Bacchus
III. 5. l. 553
Mnes. Benevolens vivit
speaker not named
in Latin text
IV. 4. l. 640
Chrys. Hunc hominem...
text reads Cyhrs.
IV. 9. l. 1065
Nic. Ohe, odiose facis.
speaker not named
in Latin text
V. 1. l. 1112
Nic. At mihi Chrysalus optumus homo...
text reads At mhi...
V. 2.
waiting for us to breathe our last with celerity
text reads with clerity ]
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Captust in pugna Hegionis filius; Alium quadrimum fugiens servus vendidit. Pater captivos commercatur Aleos, Tantum studens ut natum captum recuperet; Et inibi emit olim amissum filium. Is suo cum domino veste versa ac nomine Vt amittatur fecit: ipsus plectitur; Et is reduxit captum, et fugitivum simul, Indicio cuius alium agnoscit filium.
One of Hegio’s sons has been taken prisoner in a battle with the Eleans; the other was stolen by a runaway slave and sold when he was four years old. The father, in his great anxiety to recover the captured boy, bought up Elean prisoners of war; and among those that he purchased was the son he had lost many years before. This son, having exchanged clothes and names with his Elean master, secured the latter’s release, taking the consequences himself. This master of his returned, bringing Hegio’s captive son, and along with him that runaway slave, whose disclosures led to the recognition of the other son.