Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 547 pages of information about Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi.

Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 547 pages of information about Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi.

      Tell me where she is now, for heaven’s sake.


  Hic, exeuntem me unde aspexisti modo.

      Here in the house you just saw me coming out of.


  Ut istuc est lepidum:  proximae viciniae
  habitat, ecquidnam meminit Mnesilochi?

      Here’s a go!  Residing in the immediate neighbourhood!  Well,
      well! does she remember Mnesilochus?


  immo unice unum plurimi pendit.

      Remember him?  More than that, she thinks he’s the one and
      only man on earth.



      Oh pshaw!


  Immo ut eam credis? misera amans desiderat.

      More than that, what do you suppose her feelings are?  The
      poor affectionate thing is dying for him.


  Scitum istuc.

      Quite charming!


  Immo, Chrysale, em, non tantulum
  umquam intermittit tempus quin eum nominet. 210

      More than that, Chrysalus—­look!—­she doesn’t let even so
      much (illustrating) time pass without mentioning his name.


  Tanto hercle melior.

      Humph!  So much the better of her.



      More than that—­


  Immo hercle abiero

      (bored) More than that, by gad, I’d rather get out of


  Num invitus rem bene gestam audis eri?

      You don’t object to hearing that your master is in a
      prosperous situation, do you?


Non res, sed actor mihi cor odio sauciat. etiam Epidicum, quam ego fabulam aeque ac me ipsum amo, nullam aeque invitus specto, si agit Pellio. sed Bacchis etiam fortis tibi visast?
It’s not the situations that make me sick unto death; it’s your confounding acting.  Even the Epidicus[E]—­a comedy I love as well as my own self—­well, there’s not a one I so object to seeing, if Pellio’s playing in it.  But you really consider Bacchis a fine lively one, do you?

       [Footnote E:  One of Plautus’s plays.]


  ni nanctus Venerem essem, hanc Iunonem dicerem.

      Do you ask me that?  If[F] I hadn’t lighted on Venus myself,
      I’d call her Juno.

        [Footnote F:  Venus and Juno not being sisters.]


  Edepol, Mnesiloche, ut hanc rem natam intellego,
  quod ames paratumst:  quod des inventost opus.
  nam istic fortasse auro est opus.

(half aside) Well, by gad, Mnesilochus, as far as I can understand the present situation, you’ve got your love:  the wherewithal is what you need to find. (to Pistoclerus) For I dare say there is need of gold in the affair.


Project Gutenberg
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.