An deus est ullus Sauvisaviatio? 120
You mean to say there is a god Kissykissysweetkins?
An non putasti esse umquam? o Lyde, es barbarus; quem ego sapere nimio censui plus quam Thalem, is stultior es barbaro poticio, qui tantus natu deorum nescis nomina.
You mean to say you didn’t ever suppose there was? Oh, Lydus, you are a barbarian! I fancied you were ever so much wiser than Thales and here you are, sillier than a barbarian babe in arms—your age, and not knowing the names of the gods!
Non hic placet mi ornatus.
I do not like this paraphernalia.
Nemo ergo tibi
haec apparavit: mihi paratum est
quoi placet.
Well, nobody got
it together for you: it was got for me, and
I do like it.
Etiam me advorsus exordire argutias?
qui si decem habeas linguas, mutum esse
Are you actually
commencing to make smart replies to me? You
whom it befits
to be mute, even if you had ten tongues?
Non omnis aetas, Lyde, ludo convenit.
magis unum in mentemst mihi nunc, satis
ut commode 130
pro dignitate opsoni haec concuret cocus.
We aren’t schoolboys for ever, Lydus. The one thing uppermost in my mind just now is that the cook may do as creditable a job on these edibles as their excellence calls for.
Iam perdidisti te atque me atque operam
qui tibi nequiquam saepe monstravi bene.
Ah, now you have
thrown yourself away, and me, and my
who many a time gave you good advice, all in
Ibidem ego meam operam perdidi, ubi tu
tua disciplina nec mihi prodest nec tibi.
I threw away my
own labour at the same place you did yours:
your system of
instruction is no good to either of us.
O praeligatum pectus.
Oh, what an obdurate breast!
Odiosus mihi es.
tace atque sequere, Lyde, me.
You’re a bore! Keep still and come along, Lydus.
Illuc sis vide,
non paedagogum iam me, sed Lydum vocat.
Now kindly look
at that! He no longer calls me “Tutor,”
merely Lydus.
Non par videtur neque sit consentaneum, cum haec qui emit intus sit et cum amica accubet 140 cumque osculetur et convivae alii accubent, praesentibus illis paedagogus una ut siet.
It’s not the proper thing, it would be out of place, when the man who bought all this is inside there, and on a couch with his mistress, kissing her—and other guests about—to have his “Tutor” there in their presence.