Iuben hanc hinc abscedere?
(to wife) Tell her to get out of here, won’t you?
I domum.
(jerking him along) Home with you!
Da savium etiam prius quam abis.
Do give me another naughty, naughty kiss before we part.
I in crucem. 940
Go to hell!
Immo intro potius. sequere hac me, mi anime.
Oh no, inside,
instead, (to Argyrippus, as she goes back
inside) Come
along with me, darling.
Ego vero sequor.
Indeed I will. [EXEUNT OMNES.
(Spoken by the Company)
Hic senex si quid clam uxorem suo animo fecit volup, neque novum neque mirum fecit nec secus quam alii solent; nec quisquam est tam ingenio duro nec tam firmo pectore, quin ubi quicque occasionis sit sibi faciat bene. nunc si voltis deprecari huic seni ne vapulet, remur impetrari posse, plausum si clarum datis.
If this old gentleman has indulged his inclinations a bit without informing his wife, he has done nothing new or strange, or different from what other men ordinarily do. No one has such an iron nature, such an unyielding heart, as not to do himself a good turn whenever he has any chance. So now in case you wish to beg the old fellow off from a beating, we opine that you can succeed, if you—give us some loud applause.
* * * * *
[Footnote 1: Leo brackets
following v., 25-26:
ita me obstinate
adgressu’s, ut non audeam
profecto, percontanti
quin promam omnia.]
[Footnote 2: Leo brackets
following v., 33:
ubi flent nequam
homines, qui polentam pinsitant.]
[Footnote 3: Corrupt
(Leo): obsequellam MSS:
obsequellam eam Acidalius.]
[Footnote 4: Leo brackets
following v., 77:
volo amori
obsecutum illius, volo amet me patrem.]
[Footnote 5: Corrupt
(Leo): venari autem rete iaculo MSS:
reti, iaculo venari autem
[Footnote 6: Leo notes
lacuna here: atqui ibi MSS:
ibo atque ibi Camerarius.]
[Footnote 7: Corrupt (Leo): experiri MSS: experi Skutsch.]
[Footnote 8: Leo brackets
following v., 252:
igitur inveniundo
argento ut fingeres fallaciam.]
[Footnote 9: Leo notes
lacuna here: istuc MSS:
istuc, istuc Palmer.]