Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 547 pages of information about Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi.

Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 547 pages of information about Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi.


  Quid nunc?

      (eagerly) Well now?


  Quid est?

      (drawling) Well what?


  Quin tradis huc cruminam pressatum umerum?

      Why don’t you hand the wallet over and let it crush my


  Hanc, cui daturu’s hanc, iube petere atque orare mecum.
  nam istuc proclive est, quo iubes me plane collocare.

She’s the one, (pointing to Philaenium) the one you’ll give it to, tell her to ask me for it, tease me for it.  You see that plain site you told me to put it on is a (with a sly glance at Philaenium) slope.


  Da, meus ocellus, mea rosa, mi anime, mea voluptas,
  Leonida, argentum mihi, ne nos diiunge amantis.

      Oh, Leonida, you apple of my eye, my rosebud, my heart’s
      delight, my darling, do give me the money!  Don’t separate
      us lovers.


  Dic me igitur tuom passerculum, gallinam, coturnicem,
  agnellum haedillum me tuom die esse vel vitellum.
  prehende auriculis, compara labella cum labellis.

(with burlesque fondness) Well then, call me your little sparrow, hen, quail, call me your little lambkin, kidlet, or calfyboy, if you prefer:  take hold of me by the earlaps and match my little lips to your little lips.


  Ten osculetur, verbero?

      She kiss you, you scoundrel?


  Quam vero indignum visum est?
  at qui pol hodie non feres, ni genua confricantur. 670

      Yes, it does seem a shame, doesn’t it?  However, you don’t
      get the cash this day, by gad, unless you rub my knees.


  Quidvis egestas imperat:  fricentur. dan quod oro?

      “Need knows no shame.”  Rubbed they shall be. (gets down
      on ground, with poor grace, and clasps Leonida’s knees
      Won’t you grant my prayer? (gets up)


  Age, mi Leonida, obsecro, fer amanti ero salutem,
  redime istoc beneficio te ab hoc, et tibi eme hunc isto argento.

      Come, dear Leonida, please, please save your master that
      loves me so!  Buy your freedom from him by this kindness, buy
      his favour for yourself with this money! (embraces him)


Nimis bella es atque amabilis, et si hoc meum esset, hodie namquam me orares quin darem. illum te orare meliust, illic hanc mihi servandam dedit ei sane bella belle, cape hoc sis, Libane.
(leering at her) Ah, you’re pretty, perfectly adorable:  and if this belonged to me, I’d never let you tease me twice for it, never.  But he’s the one for you to tease:  (pointing to Libanus) he gave it to me to keep for him.  At him now, my pretty, prettily.  Libanus, catch hold of this, will you! (tosses him the wallet)


Project Gutenberg
Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.