From the Ranks eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 243 pages of information about From the Ranks.

From the Ranks eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 243 pages of information about From the Ranks.

Captain Chester found food for much thought and speculation over this incident.  So far as he was concerned, the abrupt remark of Sloat by no means ended it.  In his distrust of Jerrold, he too had taken alarm at the very substantial intimacy to which that young man was welcomed at the colonel’s quarters.  Prior to his marriage old Maynard had not liked him at all, but it was mainly because he had been so negligent of his duties and so determined a beau in city society after his arrival at Sibley.  He had, indeed, threatened to have him transferred to a company still on frontier service if he did not reform; but then the rifle-practice season began, and Jerrold was a capital shot and sure to be on the list of competitors for the Department team, so what was the use?  He would be ordered in for the rifle-camp anyway, and so the colonel decided to keep him at head-quarters.  This was in the summer of the year gone by.  Then came the colonel’s long leave, his visit to Europe, his meeting with his old friend, now the widow of the lamented Renwick, their delightful winter together in Italy, his courtship, her consent, their marriage and return to America.  When Maynard came back to Sibley and the old regiment, he was so jolly and content that every man was welcomed at his house, and it was really a source of pride and pleasure to him that his accomplished wife should find any of his young officers so thoroughly agreeable as she pronounced Mr. Jerrold.  Others were soldierly, courteous, well bred, but he had the air of a foreign court about him, she privately informed her lord; and it seems, indeed, that in days gone by Mr. Jerrold’s father had spent many years in France and Spain, once as his country’s representative near the throne.  Though the father died long before the boy was out of his knickerbockers, he had left the impress of his grand manner, and Jerrold, to women of any age, was at once a courtier and a knight.  But the colonel never saw how her eyes followed the tall young officer time and again.  There were women who soon noted it, and one of them said it was such a yearning, longing look. Was Mrs. Maynard really happy? they asked each other. Did she really want to see Alice mate with him, the handsome, the dangerous, the selfish fellow they knew him to be?  If not, could anything be more imprudent than that they should be thrown together as they were being, day after day?  Had Alice wealth of her own?  If not, did the mother know that nothing would tempt Howard Jerrold into an alliance with a dowerless daughter?  These, and many more, were questions that came up every day.  The garrison could talk of little else; and Alice Renwick had been there just three weeks, and was the acknowledged Queen of Hearts at Sibley, when the rifle-competitions began again, and a great array of officers and men from all over the Northwest came to the post by every train, and their canvas tents dotted the broad prairie to the north.

Project Gutenberg
From the Ranks from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.