Redwald incouraged by his wife (that counselled him in no wise to betraie his friend, to whome he had giuen his faith, for the menaces of his enimie) assembled foorthwith an armie, and at the sudden comming vpon Edelferd, assaulted him yer he could haue time to [Sidenote: 542.] assemble his people togither. But yet the said Edelferd, though he was [Sidenote: H. Hunt.] beset and brought in danger at vnwares, died not vnreuenged: for putting himselfe in defense with such power as he could then get togither, he boldlie incountred the enimies, and giuing battell, slue [Sidenote: Ethelferd slaine.] Remerius the sonne of Redwald, and after was slaine himselfe, hauing reigned ouer the Northumbers about 22 yeeres. This battell was fought neere to the water of Idle.
The said Edelferd had issue by his wife Acca, the daughter of Alla, and sister to Edwine, two sonnes, Oswald being about two yeeres of age, and Oswin about foure yeeres, the which (their father being [Sidenote: Hen. Hunt. Matt. West. saith 34.] thus slaine) were by helpe of their gouernours conueied awaie into Scotland with all speed that might be made. Ceowlfe king of the Westsaxons, after he had reigned the space of 12 yeeres, departed this life, who in his time had mainteined great warre against manie [Sidenote: The Southsaxons susteine the greater losse.] of his neighbours, the which for briefenesse I passe ouer. One great battell he fought against them of Sussex, in which the armies on both sides sustained great damage, but the greater losse fell to the Southsaxons.
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Cinegiscus and his sonne Richelinus reigne iointlie ouer the Westsaxons, they fight with the Britains; the indeuour of Laurence archbishop of Cantrburie in setting religion at large, and seeking a vniformitie in catholike orders, he and his fellow-bishops write to the cleargie of Britaine and Scotland for a reformation, Melitus bishop of London goeth to Rome, the cause why, and what he brought at his returns from pope Boniface.