Chronicles 1 (of 6): The Historie of England 5 (of 8) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 223 pages of information about Chronicles 1 (of 6).

Chronicles 1 (of 6): The Historie of England 5 (of 8) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 223 pages of information about Chronicles 1 (of 6).
told them afore hand, that if they would not receiue peace with their brethren, they should receiue warre of the enimies; & if they would not preach to the Englishmen the waie of life, they should suffer punishment by death at the hands of them:  which thing in deed after came to passe, as in place conuenient [Sidenote:  604.  Bishops ordeined at London and Rochester.] shall be expressed.  After this in the yeere of our Lord 604, the archbishop Augustine ordeined two bishops, that is to say, Melitus at London, that he might preach the woord of God to the Eastsaxons, which were diuided from them of Kent by the riuer of Thames, and Iustus in the citie of Rochester within the limits of Kent.

[Sidenote:  SABERT.] At that time Sabert reigned ouer the Eastsaxons, but he was subiect vnto Ethelbert king of Kent, whose nephue he was also by his sister Ricula that was married vnto king Sledda that succeeded after Erchenwine the first king of the Eastsaxons, and begat on hir this Sabert that receiued the faith.  After that Augustine had ordeined Melitus to be bishop of London, as before is said, king Ethelbert builded (as some write) the church of saint Paule within the same citie, where the same Melitus and his successors might keepe their see.  And also for the like purpose he builded the church of saint Andrew the apostle at Rochester, that Iustus and his successors might haue their see in that place, according to Augustines institution:  he bestowed great gifts vpon both those churches, endowing them with lands and possessions verie bountifullie, to the vse of them that should be attendant in the same with the bishops.

[Sidenote:  Ran.  Cestren.] Finallie, Augustine after he had gouerned as archbishop the church of Canturburie by the space of 12 yeeres currant, departed this life the fiue and twentieth of Maie, and was buried first without the citie neere to the church of the apostles Peter and Paule (whereof mention is made before) bicause the same church as yet was not finished nor dedicated; but after it was dedicated, his bodie was brought into the church, and reuerentlie buried in the north Ile there.  He ordeined in his life time Laarence to be his successor in the see of Canturburie, of whome ye shall heare hereafter. ¶ Thus haue ye heard in what maner the Englishmen were first brought from the worshipping of false gods, and baptised in the name of the liuing God by the foresaid Augustine (as we find in Beda and other writers.) Now we will returne to other dooings chancing in the meane time amongst the people of this Ile.

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Ceowlfe or Ceoloulph gouerneth the Westsaxons, Ceorlus king of Mercia, Edelfride king of the Northumbers, and Edan king of the Scots ioine in battell, Edan is discomfited, Edelfride subdueth the citizens of Chester, the deuout moonks of Bangor praie for safetie from the swoord of the enimie, twelue hundred of them are slaine, Edelfride entreth the citie of Chester, the Britains assembling their power vnder three capteins incounter with Edelfride, slaie manie of his souldiers, and put him to flight, warres betweene Edelfride and Redwald king of the Eastangles about Edwine the sonne of king Elle, Edelfride is slaine, Ceowlfe king of the Westsaxons dieth.

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Chronicles 1 (of 6): The Historie of England 5 (of 8) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.