The Britains that were present, mooued with this miracle, confessed that it was the right waie of iustice and righteousnesse which Augustine taught; but yet they said that they might not forsake their ancient customs without consent and licence of their nation. Wherevpon [Sidenote: Another synod.] they required another synod to be holden, whereat a greater number of them might be present. This being granted, there came (as it is reported) seuen bishops of the Britains, and a great number of [Sidenote: The monasterie of Bangor. Abbat Dionoth.] learned men, speciallie of the famous monasterie of Bangor, whereof in those daies one Dionoth was abbat, who as they went towards that councell, came first to a certeine wise man, which liued amongst them an heremits life, and asked his aduise, whether they ought to forsake their traditions at the preaching of Augustine or not: who made this answer; “If he be the man of God, follow him.” Then said they; “How [Sidenote: The answer of a godlie man touching Austine the Englishmens apostle.] shall we prooue whether he be so or not?” Then said he: “The Lord saith, Take vp my yoke and learne of me, for I am meeke & humble in hart: if Augustine be humble and meeke in hart, it is to be beleeued that he also beareth the yoke of Christ, and offereth it to you to beare; but if he be not meeke but proud, it is certeine that he is not of GOD, nor his woord to be regarded.” “And how shall we see and perceiue that (said they?)” “Find meanes (said he) that he maie first come to the place of the synod with those of his side, and if he arise to receiue you at your comming, then know that he is the seruant of God, and obey him; but if he despise you, and arise not towards you, whereas you be more in number, let him be despised of you.”
They did as he commanded, and it chanced, that when they came, they found Augustine sitting in his chaire: whome when they beheld, straightwaies they conceiued indignation, and noting him of pride, laboured to reprooue all his saiengs. He told them that they vsed [Sidenote: Three things required by Augustine of the Britains to be observed.] manie things contrarie to the custom of the vniuersall church, and yet if in three things they would obeie him, that is to say, in keeping the feast of Easter in due time, in ministring baptisme according to the custome of the Romane church, & in preaching to the Englishmen the woord of life with him & his fellowes, then would he be contented to suffer all other things patientlie which they did, though the same were contrarie to the maners and customs of the Romane iurisdiction. But they flatlie denied to doo anie of those things, and gaue a plaine answer that they would not receiue him for their archbishop: for laieng their heads togither, thus they thought, If he refuse now to arise vnto vs, how much the more will he contemne vs if we should become subiect to him? Vnto whom (as it is said) [Sidenote: Augustine threatneth.] Augustine in threatening wise