Chronicles 1 (of 6): The Historie of England 5 (of 8) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 223 pages of information about Chronicles 1 (of 6).

Chronicles 1 (of 6): The Historie of England 5 (of 8) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 223 pages of information about Chronicles 1 (of 6).
churches where they thought good.  After that the king being persuaded by their doctrine, good examples giuing, and diuers miracles shewed, was once baptised, the people in great numbers began to giue eare vnto the preaching of the gospell, and renouncing their [Sidenote:  Lib. 7, cap. 26.] heathenish beleefe, became christians, in so much that as Gregorie remembreth, there were baptised ten thousand persons in one day, being the feast of the natiuitie of our Sauiour 597, and the first indiction.

[Sidenote:  Polychron.] ¶ Some write how this should chance toward the latter end of Augustines daies, after he was admitted to preach the gospell amongst them that inhabited about Yorke (as some write) which affirme, that the said number of ten thousand was baptised in the riuer of Suale, which (as W. Harison saith) cannot be verified, because of the indiction and death of Gregorie.  But to proceed.

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Religion is not to be inforced but perswaded and preached, Augustine is made archbishop of England, Gregorie informeth Augustine of certeine ordinances to be made and obserued in the new English church, as the reuenewes of the church to be diuided into foure parts, of liturgie, of mariage, of ecclesiasticall discipline and ordeining of bishops:  trifling questions objected by Augustine to Gregorie, fellow helpers are sent ouer to assist.  Augustine in his ministerie, he receiueth his pall, reformation must be doone by little and little, not to glorie in miracles, the effect of Gregories letters to K. Ethelbert after his conuersion to christianitie.


[Sidenote:  Beda. lib. 1. cap. 26. and 27.] King Ethelbert reioised at the conuersion of his people, howbeit he would not force anie man to be baptised, but onelie shewed by his behauiour, that he fauored those that beleeued more than other, as fellow citizens with him of the heauenlie kingdome:  for he learned of them that had instructed him in the faith, that the obedience due to Christ ought not to be inforced, but to come of good will.  Moreouer he prouided for Augustine and his fellowes a conuenient place for their habitation within the citie of Canturburie, and further gaue them [Sidenote:  Augustine ordeined archbishop of the English nation.] necessarie reuenewes in possession for their maintenance.  After that the faith of Christ was thus receiued of the English men, Augustine went into France, and there of the archbishop of Arles named Etherius was ordeined archbishop of the English nation, according to the order prescribed by Gregorie before the departure of the said Augustine from Rome.

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Chronicles 1 (of 6): The Historie of England 5 (of 8) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.