Chronicles 1 (of 6): The Historie of England 5 (of 8) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 223 pages of information about Chronicles 1 (of 6).

Chronicles 1 (of 6): The Historie of England 5 (of 8) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 223 pages of information about Chronicles 1 (of 6).

This victorie was nothing plesant to the Saxons, by reason of the great losse which they susteined, as well by the death of the said Wipet, as of a great number of others:  and so of a long time neither did the Saxons enter into the confines of the Britains, nor the Britains presumed to come into Kent.  But whilest outward wars ceassed among the Britains, they exercised ciuill battell, falling togither by the eares among themselues, one striuing against another.  Finallie, Hengist departed this life by course of nature, in the 39 yeere after [Sidenote:  Fortie Yeeres saith H.  Hunt] his first comming into Britaine, hauing proceeded in his businesse [Sidenote:  By this it is euident that he was not driuen out of the land after he had once set foot within it. Matt.  West.] no lesse with craft and guile than with force and strength, following therewith his natiue crueltie, so that he rather did all things with rigour than with gentlenesse.  After him succeeded a sonne whom he left behind him, who being attentiue rather to defend than to inlarge his kingdome, neuer set foot out of his fathers bounds, during the space of 24 yeeres, in the which he reigned.

[Sidenote:  H.  Hunt. The citie of Andredescester] About three yeeres after the deceasse of Hengist, a new supplie of men of warre came out of Germanie vnto the aid of Ella king of Sussex, who hauing his power increased, besieged the citie of Andredescester, which was verie strong and well furnished with men and all things necessarie.  The Britains also assembling togither in companies, greatlie annoied the Saxons as they lay there at siege, laieng ambushes to destroie such as went abroad, and ceassing not to giue alarums to the campe in the night season:  and the Saxons could no sooner prepare them selues to giue the assalt, but the Britains were readie to assaile them on the backs, till at length the Saxons diuiding themselues into two companies, appointed the one to giue the assalt, and the other to incounter with the armie of the Britains without, and so finallie by that meanes preuailed, tooke the citie, and destroied man, woman and child.  Neither so contented, they did also vtterlie race the said citie, so as it was neuer after that daie builded or reedified againe.

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The east Angles kingdome beginneth, the arriuall of Cerdic and Kenric with fiue ships of warre in this land, he putteth the Britains to flight, the west Saxons kingdom begineth, Vter Pendragon made king of Britaine, the etymon of his name, he taketh Occa and Osca the two sonnes of Hengist prisoners, how Hector Boetius varieth from other chronographers in the relation of things concerning Pendragon, he falleth in loue with the duke of Cornewalls wife, killeth him, and marieth hir.  Occa and Osca escape out of prison, they freshlie assault the Britains, they are both slaine in a foughten field, the Saxons send and looke for aid out of Germanie, Pendragon is poisoned.

Project Gutenberg
Chronicles 1 (of 6): The Historie of England 5 (of 8) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.