By this meanes it came to passe, that the true faith continued in Britaine sound and perfect a long time after. Things being thus set in good order, those holie men returned into their countries, the forenamed bishop Germane went to Rauenna to sue for peace to be granted vnto the people of Britaine Armorike, where being receiued of the emperor Valentinian and his mother Placida in most reuerend maner, he departed in that citie out of this transitorie life, to the [Sidenote: Anno 450, as Vincentius noteth, lib. 20. ca. 15.] eternall ioies of heauen. His bodie was afterwards conueied to the citie of Auxerre, where he had beene bishop with great opinion of holines for his sincere doctrine and pure and innocent life. Shortlie [Sidenote: The emperour Valentinian slaine.] after was the emperour Valentinian slaine by the friends of that noble man named Aetius, whome he had before caused to be put to death.
¶ By this it maie appeere, that bishop Germane came into this realme [Sidenote: 454.] both the first and second time, whilest as well Hengist, as also Vortigerne were liuing: for the said Valentinian was murthered about the yeere of our Lord 454, where the said kings liued and reigned long after that time, as maie appeere both before and after in this present booke.
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What part of the realme the Saxons possessed, Vortigerne buildeth a castell in Wales for his safetie, Aurelius and Vter both brethren returne into Britaine, they assalt the vsurper Vortigerne, and with wildfire burne both him, his people, his fort, and all the furniture in the same, Vortigerne committeth incest with his owne daughter, feined and ridiculous woonders of S. Germane, a sheepherd made a king.
Now will we returne to Vortigerne, of whome we read in the British historie, that after the Saxons had constreined him to deliuer into their hands a great part of the south and east parts of the realme, so that they had in possession London, Yorke, Lincolne, & Winchester, [Sidenote: Galfrid.] with other cities & townes, he not onelie fearing their puissance, but also the returne of Aurelius Ambrosius, and his brother Vter Pendragon, withdrew him into Wales, where he began to build a [Sidenote: Caxton. Fabian. Polychron.] strong castell vpon a mounteine called Breigh, or after other Cloaric, neere to the riuer of Guana, which is in the west side of Wales in a place within the compasse of the same hill called Generon or [Sidenote: Mount Erix he calleth it in one place of his booke.] Gueineren. Of the building of this castell, and of the hinderance in erecting the same, with the monstrous birth of Merlin and his knowledge in prophesieng, the British histories tell a long processe, the which in Caxton, and in Galfrides bookes is also set foorth, as there ye maie see: but for that the same seemeth not of such credit as deserueth to be registred in anie sound historie, we haue with silence passed it ouer.