Peasants and mechanics, i. 11-12;
peasantry, i. 159.
‘Petition,’ vindication of, i. 107-8, 110.
‘Petty’ things, i. 120.
Peninsula, southern, i. 122-3.
‘Peace,’ i. 221.
Peterkin, ii. 5, 343.
‘Pedlar,’ ii. 163, 346.
Pelayo and Cid, i. 358.
Petrarch, i. 359.
Philosophy, i. 316.
Pity, i. 5.
Pitt, ii. 174.
Pluralities, i. 284.
Pleasures, poetic, ii. 13;
production of, ii. 90.
Portugal, i. 80-1.
Portugeze, i. 43, 54-5, 67, 86, 97, 100-1, et seqq.
‘Political’ generals, i. 78-9, 95.
Policy, i. 116.
Poor, laws to be reformed, i. 232;
amendment act, i. 273-4, et seqq.;
just claims of the, i. 274-7, 278-9.
Pope, ii. 55, et seqq., 116, iii. 419.
Poetry, of the Principles of and the ’Lyrical
Ballads,’ ii. 79-100;
as a study, ii. 106-130;
kinds of readers of, ii. 106;
as observation and description,
ii. 131-144;
forms of, ii. 132-3;
of the principle of and Wordsworth’s
own poems, ii. 208-14.
(See preface, I. xxv.-vi.)
Poet, what is a, ii. 87, et seqq.
‘Popular,’ ii. 129;
vox populi, ii. 130.
Poems, classification of, ii. 133, et seqq.
Power without right, i. 159-60.
Priesthood, French, i. 6-7.
Principles, i. 39, 43, 74-5, 144, 145;
of poetry, ii. 79-100.
Primogeniture, i. 16.
Prostitution, i. 18.
‘Precautions,’ i. 45, 61.
Prudence, i. 58-9.
Private, a, individual, i. 83.
Private property, i. 89-90.
Preface, Editor’s, i. vii-xxxviii.
Prisoners of war, i. 89.
Property, a sound basis, i. 240.
Protestantism and Popery, i. 261.
Progress, i. 314-15.
Prosaisms, ii. 85.
Prose, more of but for Coleridge, iii. 457.
Purpose, worthy, ii. 82.
Public, not the people, ii. 130.
Puny, ii. 347.
Pyrrhus, i. 359.
Qualities, moral, i. 49-50.
Queen, dedication and poem to the, i. v.-vi.
Racine, i. 5-6.
‘Rash’ politicians, i. 248.
Reputation, i. 3.
Republic, American, i. 10.
Republican, Wordsworth a, i. 3, 10;
republicanism defended, i. 9, 10, et
Revolution, i. 6;
war against the French, i. 135, iii. 490.
Reform, parliamentary, i. 22.
Representation, universal, i. 11.
‘Rejoicing,’ deplorable, i. 69, 105.
Regeneration, national, i. 122.
‘Remonstrance,’ i. 127.