Means, i. 80.
Memory, ii. 41.
Metrical language, ii. 95-6, et seqq.
Mearely, ii. 344.
Mirza, vision of, i. 3.
Military spirit, i. 48-9;
men to be judged by the people, i. 83-4.
‘Ministry,’ the conduct of the, i. 105-6.
Might, i. 116.
Miscarriages, national, i. 128-9.
Misery, effects of, i. 281.
Milton, i. 358 (bis), 359, 360. ii. 6, 40,
114-15, 136,
142 et seqq., 344,
345, 346, iii. 430-1, 449, 453-4,
461, 505, 506, 507, 508;
contemporary notice of, iii. 509, et
alibi frequenter.
Monarchy, objections to, i. 13, et seqq.
‘Moral’ superiority, i. 165.
Monuments to Literary Men, ii. 20-22;
beauty of, ii. 31-2;
monition of, ii. 32-3;
near churches, ii. 34-5;
in churches, iii. 450-1.
Montrose, Marquis of, ii. 49, 51, 344.
Morning Post, letter to, ii. 321-41.
Morla, i. 357-8.
Montgomery, James, iii. 505.
Nations, the two suffering, i. 63-4;
to speak to representatives of, i. 144-5.
Nature, i. 317, ii. 60, iii. 493-4;
and art, ii. 157-161.
Needpath Castle, sonnet on, ii. 152, 345-6.
Nelson, Lord, ii. 173.
Necklace, diamond, i. 357.
Newcastle, Duchess of, iii. 508.
Nobility, hereditary, a wrong, i. 17.
Notes and Illustrations of the Poems
(a), the notes originally added
to the first and successive editions;
(b) the whole of the I.F.
MSS., iii 1-216.
(For details of these Notes, see minute
‘Contents’ of Vol. III.)
Obliquities of admiration, ii. 116.
Observation and description, ii. 131-144.
‘Occurrences,’ i. 98.
Offices, i. 18-19.
Oligarchy, i. 147.
‘Oppression,’ i. 168-9.
‘Opposition,’ in House of Commons needed,
i. 219;
the party of, i. 222;
degenerated, i. 225.
Originality, ii. 126.
Oviedo, i. 63.
Oversight, culpable, i. 68.
Ovid, iii. 506.
Paine, Thomas, i. 14, 357.
Parchment, ‘dead,’ i. 21.
Past, retrospect of, i. 43-4.
Passions and passion, i. 115-16, ii. 127, et seqq.;
in poetry, iii. 473-4;
though not declamatory, iii. 489.
‘Party,’ i. 144, 219.
Patriot, the, i. 150.
Palafox, i. 167, 359.
Pasley, letter to, i. 195-206;
essay on the military policy of Great
Britain, i. 197, 205, et seqq.
Palmers, ii. 46.
Page, Frederic, iii. 508.
‘People,’ the, i. 10, 11;
Spanish, i. 47-8;
their ways and needs, i. 334-339.