Dryden, ii. 118, iii. 416, 419.
Duty, i. 40-1, 129, 326, 349.
Dupont, i. 358.
Duppa, ii. 162, 346, iii. 506.
Dubartas, ii. 111-12.
Dyer, John, ii. 196-7, 346, iii. 216, 405, 506, et alibi.
Economists, unfortunate, i. 233.
Education, of, i. 327-56;
what it is, i. 343-4, et
moral, i. 346-7;
of Scotland, i. 348;
continuous, i. 355-6.
Edinburgh Review, censured, ii. 16, et alibi.
Edwards, John, ii. 33, 344.
Edgeworth, Francis, iii. 508.
Egle, bank of, iii. 508.
Election, free, i. 234.
Elizabeth, i. 310.
Elliot, Jane, iii. 509.
Emerson, i. xxxiv., et alibi.
Ends, i. 80-1.
Enthusiasm, i. 149.
Epitaphs, upon, from ’The Friend,’
ii. 27-40;
laws of, 31, et seqq.;
requisites of, ii. 35, et seqq.;
a perfect, ii. 39;
The country Churchyard, and critical
Examination of ancient, ii. 41-59;
in Germany, ii. 44;
homeliness, ii. 46-7;
in Westmoreland, ii. 51-2;
of Pope, criticised, ii. 55, et seqq.;
Celebrated Epitaphs considered,
ii. 60-75;
favourable examples, ii. 72, et seqq.
(See preface, I. xxiv.-v.)
Equality, i. 14, 288.
Established church and priesthood, i. 232;
preservation of, i. 290.
Eschylus, iii. 508.
‘Estate,’ gift of, ii. 151.
Europe, state of, i. 220-1.
Evil, ii. 91.
Excursion, ii. 145-8, 168-9.
Executive, the power, i. 13.
Faith, ii. 109-10.
Fancy and imagination, ii. 134-5, et seqq.
‘Favourite spots,’ ii. 424.
Fame, posthumous, iii. 458, 493.
Faber, iii. 488, 566.
Family, a single, 215-16. et seqq.;
defence of the, I. 217-18. et seqq.
Feelings, i. 65. 158, ii. 83-4, et seqq.;
rely on our, ii. 99.
Ferguson, General, i. 137.
Fermor, Mrs., ii. 178.
Fenwick, Miss, i. xxvi.-xxx.
Ferdinand VII., i. 358.
‘Fire.’ i. 118-19.
Flowers, iii. 447.
Florus, i. 359.
Fortitude, ancient, i. 205-6.
Forebodings, i. 249-50.
Fore-feeling, ii. 344.
Founders of a school to be remembered, i. 351.
Fool, in Lear, iii. 419.
Fools, Paradise of, ii. 18.
Fox, letter to, on poems, ii. 202-5;
reply, ii. 205-6.
Frere, i. 67-8, 96, 358.
French armies, character of, i. 79-80;
to surrender at discretion, i. 81;
under French government, i. 90.