The Prose Works of William Wordsworth eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,714 pages of information about The Prose Works of William Wordsworth.

[156] Memoirs, ii. 344-6.

The position of the Miguelites, relatively to the conflicting, so called, liberal parties, is just what I apprehended, and expressed very lately to Mr. Robinson....

He came down with us to Hereford with a view to a short tour on the banks of the Wye, which has been prevented by an unexpected attack of my old complaint of inflammation in the eye; and in consequence of this, Dora will accompany me home, with a promise on her part of returning to London before the month of October is out.  Our places are taken in to-morrow’s coach for Liverpool; so that, since we must be disappointed of seeing you and Jemima here, we trust that you will come on to Rydal from Leeds.  This very day Dora had read to me your poem again:  it convinces me, along with your other writings, that it is in your power to attain a permanent place among the poets of England.  Your thoughts, feelings, knowledge, and judgment in style, and skill in metre, entitle you to it; and, if you have not yet succeeded in gaining it, the cause appears to me merely to lie in the subjects which you have chosen.  It is worthy of note how much of Gray’s popularity is owing to the happiness with which his subject is selected in three places, his ’Hymn to Adversity,’ his ‘Ode on the distant Prospect of Eton College,’ and his ‘Elegy.’  I ought, however, in justice to you, to add, that one cause of your failure appears to have been thinking too humbly of yourself, so that you have not reckoned it worth while to look sufficiently round you for the best subjects, or to employ as much time in reflecting, condensing, bringing out and placing your thoughts and feelings in the best point of view as is necessary.  I will conclude this matter of poetry and my part of the letter, with requesting that, as an act of friendship, at your convenience, you would take the trouble—­a considerable one, I own—­of comparing the corrections in my last edition with the text in the preceding one.  You know my principles of style better, I think, than any one else; and I should be glad to learn if anything strikes you as being altered for the worse.  You will find the principal changes are in ‘The White Doe,’ in which I had too little of the benefit of your help and judgment.  There are several also in the Sonnets, both miscellaneous and political:  in the other poems they are nothing like so numerous; but here also I should be glad if you would take the like trouble.  Jemima, I am sure, will be pleased to assist you in the comparison, by reading, new or old, as you may think fit.  With love to her, I remain,

My dear Mr. Quillinan,

Faithfully yours,

102. On a Tour.


After having had excellent health during my long ramble [in Herefordshire], it is unfortunate that I should thus be disabled at the conclusion.  The mischief came to me in Herefordshire, whither I had gone on my way home to see my brother-in-law, who, by his horse falling with him some time ago, was left without the use of his limbs.

Project Gutenberg
The Prose Works of William Wordsworth from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.