The Prose Works of William Wordsworth eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,714 pages of information about The Prose Works of William Wordsworth.
I cannot act with those who see no danger to the Constitution in introducing papists into Parliament.  There are other points of policy in which I deem the Opposition grievously mistaken, and therefore I am at present, and long have been, by principle, a supporter of ministers, as far as my little influence extends.  With affectionate wishes for your welfare and that of your family, and with best regards to Mrs. Wrangham, I am, my dear friend,

Faithfully yours,

[68] Memoirs, ii. 9-10.

41. Letter of Introduction:  Humour.


Rydal Mount, near Kendal, April 26. 1814.


I trouble you with this in behalf of a very deserving young clergyman of the name of Jameson, who is just gone from this neighbourhood to a curacy at Sherbourne, in the neighbourhood of Ferry Bridge.  He has a mother and a younger brother dependent upon his exertions, and it is his wish to take pupils in order to increase his income, which, as he is a curate, you know, cannot but be small.  He is an excellent young man, a good scholar, and likely to become much better, for he is extremely industrious.  Among his talents I must mention that for drawing, in which he is a proficient....  Now my wish is that, if it fall in your way, you would vouchsafe him your patronage....

Of course, you cannot speak for him directly till you have seen him; but, might he be permitted to refer to you, you could have no objection to say that you were as yet ignorant of his merits as to your own knowledge, but that ’your esteemed friend Mr. Wordsworth, that popular poet, stamp-collector for Westmoreland, &c., had recommended him strenuously to you as in all things deserving.’

A portion of a long poem[69] from me will see the light ere long; I hope it will give you pleasure.  It is serious, and has been written with great labour....

I mean to make a tour in Scotland with Mrs. W——­ and her sister, Miss Hutchinson.  I congratulate you on the overthrow of the execrable despot, and the complete triumph of the war faction, of which noble body I have the honour to be as active a member as my abilities and industry would allow.  Best remembrances to yourself and Mrs. Wrangham,

And believe me affectionately yours,

42. The Peninsular War.


——­, 1827.


Project Gutenberg
The Prose Works of William Wordsworth from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.