The Prose Works of William Wordsworth eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,714 pages of information about The Prose Works of William Wordsworth.

The Prose Works of William Wordsworth eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,714 pages of information about The Prose Works of William Wordsworth.
light on purpose for the journey, are of the same piece; and our manner of carrying our bundles, which is upon our heads, with each an oak stick in our hands, contributes not a little to that general curiosity which we seem to excite.  But I find I have again relapsed into egotism, and must here entreat you, not only to pardon this fault, but also to make allowance for the illegible hand and desultory style of this letter.  It has been written, as you will see by its different shades, at many sittings, and is, in fact, the produce of most of the leisure which I have had since it was begun, and is now finally drawing to a conclusion, it being on the 16th of September.  I flatter myself still with the hope of seeing you for a fortnight or three weeks, if it be agreeable to my uncle, as there will be no necessity for me to be in Cambridge before the 10th of November.  I shall be better able to judge whether I am likely to enjoy this pleasure in about three weeks.  I shall probably write to you again before I quit France; if not, most certainly immediately on my landing in England.  You will remember me affectionately to my uncle and aunt:  as he was acquainted with my giving up all thoughts of a fellowship, he may, perhaps, not be so much displeased at this journey.  I should be sorry if I have offended him by it.  I hope my little cousin is well.  I must now bid you adieu, with assuring you that you are perpetually in my thoughts, and that I remain,

Most affectionately yours,


On looking over this letter, I am afraid you will not be able to read half of it.  I must again beg you to excuse me.

Miss Wordsworth, Rev. Wm. Cookson’s, Long Stretton, Norfolk,

[25] Memoirs, pp. 57-66.

5. In Wales.

’You will see by the date of this letter that I am in Wales, and whether you remember the place of Jones’s residence or no, you will immediately conclude that I am with him.  I quitted London about three weeks ago, where my time passed in a strange manner, sometimes whirled about by the vortex of its strenua inertia, and sometimes thrown by the eddy into a corner of the stream.  Think not, however, that I had not many pleasant hours....  My time has been spent since I reached Wales in a very agreeable manner, and Jones and I intend to make a tour through its northern counties,—­on foot, as you will easily suppose.’[26]

6. Melancholy of a Friend.

’I regret much not to have been made acquainted with your wish to have employed your vacation in a pedestrian tour, both on your account, as it would have contributed greatly to exhilarate your spirits, and on mine, as we should have gained much from the addition of your society.  Such an excursion would have served like an Aurora Borealis to gild your long Lapland night of melancholy.’[27]

7. Holy Orders.

Project Gutenberg
The Prose Works of William Wordsworth from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.