The Prose Works of William Wordsworth eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,714 pages of information about The Prose Works of William Wordsworth.

My lamented friend Southey (for this is written a month after his decease[12]) used to say that had he been a Papist, the course of life which would in all probability have been his, was the one for which he was most fitted and most to his mind, that of a Benedictine Monk, in a Convent, furnished, as many once were, and some still are, with an inexhaustible library. Books, as appears from many passages in his writings, and was evident to those who had opportunities of observing his daily life, were, in fact, his passion; and wandering, I can with truth affirm, was mine; but this propensity in me was happily counteracted by inability from want of fortune to fulfil my wishes.

[12] Which took place in March, 1843.

But had I been born in a class which would have deprived me of what is called a liberal education, it is not unlikely that, being strong in body, I should have taken to a way of life such as that in which my ‘Pedlar’ passed the greater part of his days.  At all events, I am here called upon freely to acknowledge that the character I have represented in his person is chiefly an idea of what I fancied my own character might have become in his circumstances.

Nevertheless much of what he says and does had an external existence, that fell under my own youthful and subsequent observation.

An individual, named Patrick, by birth and education a Scotchman, followed this humble occupation for many years, and afterwards settled in the town of Kendal.  He married a kinswoman of my wife’s, and her sister Sarah was brought up from early childhood under this good man’s eye.[13] My own imaginations I was happy to find clothed in reality, and fresh ones suggested, by what she reported of this man’s tenderness of heart, his strong and pure imagination, and his solid attainments in literature, chiefly religious, whether in prose or verse.  At Hawkshead also, while I was a school-boy, there occasionally resided a packman (the name then generally given to this calling), with whom I had frequent conversations upon what had befallen him, and what he had observed during his wandering life, and, as was natural, we took much to each other; and upon the subject of Pedlarism in general, as then followed, and its favourableness to an intimate knowledge of human concerns, not merely among the humbler classes of society, I need say nothing here in addition to what is to be found in ‘The Excursion,’ and a note attached to it.

[13] In pencil on opposite page—­Sarah went to Kendal on our mother’s death, but Mr. P. died in the course of a year or two.  M.W.

Project Gutenberg
The Prose Works of William Wordsworth from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.