The Prose Works of William Wordsworth eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,714 pages of information about The Prose Works of William Wordsworth.
  13.  Employment on a London Newspaper
  14.  Raisley Calvert’s Last Illness
  15.  Family History
  16.  Reading
  17.  Satire:  Juvenal, &c., 1795
  18.  Visit to Thelwall
  19.  Poetry added to, 1798
  20.  On the Wye
  21.  At Home again
  22.  Early Visit to the Lake District
  23.  On a Tour, 1799
  24.  At the Lakes:  Letter to Coleridge
  25.  Inconsistent Opinions on Poems
  26.  On his Scottish Tour:  To Scott
  27.  The Grove:  Capt.  Wordsworth
  28.  Spenser and Milton
  29.  Death of Capt.  Wordsworth
  30.  Of Dryden:  To Scott
  31.  Of Marmion
  32.  Topographical History
  33.  The War in Spain, &c.
  34, 35, 36.  The Convention of Cintra
  37.  Home at Grasmere
 38.  On Education of the Young
  39.  Roman Catholics, &c.
  40.  Death of Children
  41.  Letter of Introduction:  Humour
  42.  The Peninsular War
  43.  Of Southey
  44.  Of alleged Changes in political Opinions
  45.  Of his Poems, &c.
  46.  Of Thanksgiving Ode, &c.
  47.  Of Poems in Stanzas
  48 and 49.  The Classics:  Aeneid, &c.
  50.  Tour on the Continent, 1820
  51.  Shakspeare’s Cliff at Dover
  52.  Of Affairs on the Continent, 1828
53.  Style:  Francis Edgeworth, &c.
  54.  Of the Icon Basilike, &c.
  55.  Of the R. Catholic Question
  56.  Of the R.C.  Emancipation Bill
  57.  Of Ireland and the Poor Laws
  58.  Of Lonsdale:  Virgil, &c.
  59.  Poems of Moxon
 60.  Of Hamilton’s, ‘It haunts,’ &c.
  61.  Of Collins, Dyer, &c.
  62.  Verses and Counsels
  63.  Annuals and Roguery
  64.  Works of Peele, &c.
  65.  Lady Winchelsea, Tickell, &c.
66.  Hamilton’s ‘Spirit of Beauty,’ &c.
  67.  Play, Home, &c.
  68.  Summer, Quillinan, &c.
  69.  Works of Webster, &c.
  70.  French Revolution, 1830
 71.  Nonsense:  Rotten Boroughs, &c.
72.  Verses:  Edgeworth, &c.
  73.  Tour in Scotland
  74.  Sir Walter Scott
  75.  Of writing more Prose
  76.  Of Poetry and Prose, &c.
  77.  Of the Reform Bill
  78.  Of political Affairs
  79.  Family Affliction, &c.
 80.  Illness of Sister, &c.
  81.  Lucretia Davidson, &c.
  82.  Tuition at the University
  83.  Dissenters in University
  84.  Skelton
  85.  James Shirley
  86.  Literary Criticism, &c.
  87.  Of Elia, &c.
  88.  English Sonnets, &c.
  89.  Lady Winchelsea, &c.
  90.  Popularity of Poetry
  91.  Sonnets and Female Poets, &c.
  92.  Mrs. Hemans’ Dedication
  93.  Verse-attempts
  94.  Mrs. Hemans’ Poems
  95.  Church of England
  96.  Omnipresence of the Deity
  97. and 98.  New Church at Cockermouth
99.  Classic Scenes:  Holy Land
 100.  American ed. of Poems
 101.  Quillinan’s Poems
 102.  On a Tour
 103.  Bentley and Akenside
104.  Presidency of Royal Irish Academy, &c.
Project Gutenberg
The Prose Works of William Wordsworth from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.