King Alfred of England eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 171 pages of information about King Alfred of England.

King Alfred of England eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 171 pages of information about King Alfred of England.
pride.  They could never endure any thing like submission.  Though sometimes overpowered, they were never conquered.  Though taken prisoners and carried captive, the indomitable spirit which animated them could never be really subdued.  The Romans used sometimes to compel their prisoners to fight as gladiators, to make spectacles for the amusement of the people of the city.  On one occasion, thirty Anglo-Saxons, who had been taken captive and were reserved for this fate, strangled themselves rather than submit to this indignity.  The whole nation manifested on all occasions a very unbending and unsubmissive will, encountering every possible danger and braving every conceivable ill rather than succumb or submit to any power except such as they had themselves created for their own ends; and their descendants, whether in England or America, evince much the same spirit still.

It was the landing of a few boat-loads of these determined and ferocious barbarians on a small island near the mouth of the Thames, which constitutes the great event of the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons in England, which is so celebrated in English history as the epoch which marks the real and true beginning of British greatness and power.  It is true that the history of England goes back beyond this period to narrate, as we have done, the events connected with the contests of the Romans and the aboriginal Britons, and the incursions and maraudings of the Picts and Scots; but all these aborigines passed gradually—­after the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons—­off the stage.  The old stock was wholly displaced.  The present monarchy has sprung entirely from its Anglo-Saxon original; so that all which precedes the arrival of this new race is introductory and preliminary, like the history, in this country, of the native American tribes before the coming of the English Pilgrims.  As, therefore, the landing of the Pilgrims on the Plymouth Rock marks the true commencement of the history of the American Republic, so that of the Anglo-Saxon adventurers on the island of Thanet represents and marks the origin of the British monarchy.  The event therefore, stands as a great and conspicuous landmark, though now dim and distant in the remote antiquity in which it occurred.

And yet the event, though so wide-reaching and grand in its bearings and relations, and in the vast consequences which have flowed and which still continue to flow from it, was apparently a minute and unimportant circumstance at the time when it occurred.  There were only three vessels at the first arrival.  Of their size and character the accounts vary.  Some of these accounts say they contained three hundred men; others seem to state that the number which arrived at the first landing was three thousand.  This, however, would seem impossible, as no three vessels built in those days could convey so large a number.  We must suppose, therefore, that that number is meant to include those who came at several of the earlier expeditions, and which were grouped by the historian together, or else that several other vessels or transports accompanied the three, which history has specially commemorated as the first arriving.

Project Gutenberg
King Alfred of England from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.