"Imperialism" and "The Tracks of Our Forefathers" eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 335 pages of information about "Imperialism" and "The Tracks of Our Forefathers".

"Imperialism" and "The Tracks of Our Forefathers" eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 335 pages of information about "Imperialism" and "The Tracks of Our Forefathers".

“Listen,” MacRae murmured.

The wind struck them with a puff that sent sparks flying.  It rose and fell and rose again until it whistled across the Point in a steady drone,—­the chill breath of the storm-god.

MacRae turned up Betty’s wrist and looked at her watch.

“Look at the time, Betty mine,” he said.  “And it’s getting cold.  There’ll be another day.”

He walked with her to the house.  When she vanished within, blowing him a kiss from her finger tips, MacRae cut across the Point.  He laid hold of the Blanco’s dinghy and drew it high to absolute safety, then stood a minute gazing seaward, looking down on the Rock.  Clouds obscured the moon now.  A chill darkness hid distant shore lines and mountain ranges which had stood plain in the moon-glow, a darkness full of rushing, roaring wind and thundering seas.  Poor Man’s Rock was a vague bulk in the gloom, forlorn and lonely, hidden under great bursts of spray as each wave leaped and broke with a hiss and a roar.

MacRae braced himself against the southeaster.  It ruffled his hair, clawed at him with strong, invisible fingers.  It shrieked its fury among the firs, stunted and leaning all awry from the buffeting of many storms.

He took a last look behind him.  The lights in Gower’s house were out and the white-walled cottage stood dim against the darkened hillside.  Then MacRae, smiling to himself in the dark, set out along the path that led to Squitty Cove.


By the author of “Big Timber”



Illustrated. 12mo.  Cloth.

* * * * *

He has created the atmosphere of the frozen North with wonderful realism.—­Boston Globe.

Mr. Sinclair’s two characters are exceptionally well-drawn and sympathetic.  His style is robust and vigorous.  His pictures of Canadian life stimulating.—­New York Nation.

Mr. Sinclair sketches with bold strokes as befits a subject set amid limitless surroundings.  The book is readable and shows consistent progress in the art of novel writing.—­St. Louis Globe-Democrat.

An unusually good story of the conflict between a man and a woman.  It is a readable, well written book showing much observation and good sense.  The hero is a fine fellow and manages to have his fling at a good many conventions without being tedious.—­New York Sun.

The story is well written.  It is rich in strong situation, romance and heart-stirring scenes, both of the emotional and courage-stirring order.  It ranks with the best of its type.—­Springfield Republican.

* * * * *

LITTLE, BROWN & CO., Publishers

34 Beacon St., Boston.

Project Gutenberg
"Imperialism" and "The Tracks of Our Forefathers" from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.