The Viscount
Hardy, Captain
Harness, Colonel
Harris, Rev. J.
Hartington, The Marquis of
Hashim Khan
Hastings, Major
Havelock, General Sir Henry, K.C.B.
letter from;
fails to force his way to Lucknow;
note from, in Greek character;
made K.C.B.;
meeting with Sir Colin Campbell;
his death
Hawkes, Lieutenant
Hawthorne, Bugler
Hay, Lord William. See Tweeddale
Hayes, Captain Fletcher
Haythorne, General Sir Edmund, K.C.B.
Hearsay, General
Heath, Admiral Sir Leopold, K.C.B.
Heathcote, Lieutenant A.
Major Mark
Hennessy, Colonel
Hewitt, General
Hills-Johnes, Lieutenant-General Sir James, V.C., G.C.B.
Hinde, Major
Hodson, Major
Holkar, Maharaja
Home, Lieutenant
Hood, General Cockburn
Hope, Colonel the Hon. Adrian
Hopkins, Captain
Hornsby, Captain
Hovenden, Lieutenant
Hudson, Lieutenant-General Sir John, K.C.B.
Huene, Major von
Hughes, General Sir W. T., K.C.B.
Hughes, Major-General T. E., C.B.
Hunt, Captain
Hyderabad, Nizam of
Ibrahim Khan
Inderbir Lama, Sepoy
Inge, Captain
Inglis, Brigadier
Inglis, Lady
Innes, Lieutenant-General McLeod, V.C.
Ivanoff, General
Jacob, Major
Jacobs, Colour-Sergeant
Jackson, Mr. Coverley
Jaipur, Maharaja of
James, Captain
Jaora, Nawab of
Jelaladin Ghilzai
Jenkins, Colonel F.
Jenkins, Mr. William
Jervis, Ensign
Jhansi, Rani of
Jhind, Raja of
Jodhpur, Maharaja of
Johnson, Colonel Alured
Major Charles
General Sir Edwin, G.C.B.
Johnstone, Brigadier
Jones, Captain Oliver
Jones, Lieutenant
Lieutenant-Colonel John
Jumna Das
Jung Bahadur
Sir Salar
Kapurthala, Raja of
Karaoli, Raja
Kashmir, Maharaja of
Kauffmann, General
Kavanagh, Mr.
Kaye, Major
Kaye, Sir John
Keen, Major-General, C.B.
Kelly, Dr.
Kelso, Captain
Kennedy, Captain ‘Dick’
Keyes, General Sir Charles, G.C.B.
Khan Sing Rosa
Khelat, Khan of
Kinleside, Major
Kiunthal, Raja of
Knight, Mr.
Knowles, Colonel
Knox, Captain
Komaroff, General
Lafont, A.,
Lake, Colonel Edward
Lalbura, Chief
Lalla Joti Persad
Lally, Count de
Lang, Colonel
Lansdowne, The Marquis of
Lansdowne, The Marchioness of
Lauder, Colour-Sergeant
Law, Captain
Lawrence, Lord, Chief Commissioner of the Punjab;
made K.C.B.;
opposed to Edwardes’ frontier policy;
meets Dost Mahomed;
hopeful of affairs in Punjab;
urges advance on Delhi;
trusts the Phulkian Rajas;
his wise measures for preserving order
in the Punjab;
gratitude of Army of Delhi to;
begs for return of troops to Punjab;