Forty-one years in India eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,042 pages of information about Forty-one years in India.

Forty-one years in India eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,042 pages of information about Forty-one years in India.

The Commander-in-Chief was good enough to send in my name for a brevet for the Umbeyla expedition, but the Viceroy refused to forward the recommendation, for the reason that I was ’too junior to be made a Lieutenant-Colonel.’  I was then thirty-two!

Throughout the whole of 1864 I was more or less ill; the office work (which never suited me quite as well as more active employment) was excessive, for, in addition to the ordinary routine, I had undertaken to revise the ‘Bengal Route-Book,’ which had become quite obsolete, having been compiled in 1837, when Kurnal was our frontier station.  A voyage round the Cape was still considered the panacea for all Indian ailments, and the doctors strongly advised my taking leave to England, and travelling by that route.

We left Simla towards the end of October, and, after spending the next three months in Calcutta, where I was chiefly employed in taking up transports and superintending the embarkation of troops returning to England, I was given the command of a batch of 300 time-expired men on board the Renown, one of Green’s frigate-built ships which was chartered for their conveyance.  Two hundred of the men belonged to the 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the Rifle Brigade, the remainder to the Artillery and various other corps; they had all been twelve years in the army, and most of them were decorated for service in the Crimea and Indian Mutiny.

At the inspection parade before we embarked, a certain number of men were brought up for punishment for various offences committed on the way down country; none of the misdemeanours appeared to me very serious, so I determined to let the culprits off.  I told the men that we had now met for the first time and I was unwilling to commence our acquaintance by awarding punishments; we had to spend three or four months together, and I hoped they would show, by their good behaviour while under my command, that I had not made a mistake in condoning their transgressions.  The officers seemed somewhat surprised at my action in this matter, but I think it was proved by the men’s subsequent conduct that I had not judged them incorrectly, for they all behaved in quite an exemplary manner throughout the voyage.

We had been on board more than six weeks, when one of the crew was attacked by small pox—­an untoward circumstance in a crowded ship.  The sailor was placed in a boat which was hung over the ship’s side, and a cabin-boy, the marks on whose face plainly showed that he had already suffered badly from the disease, was told off to look after him.  The man recovered, and there was no other case.  Shortly before we reached St. Helena, scurvy appeared amongst the troops, necessitating lime-juice being given in larger quantities, but what proved a more effectual remedy was water-cress, many sacks of which were laid in before we left the island.

On the 29th May, 1865, we sighted the ‘Lizard,’ and took a pilot on board, who brought with him a few newspapers, which confirmed the tidings signalled to us by an American ship that the war between the Federals and Confederates was at an end.  How eagerly we scanned the journals, after having heard nothing from home for four months, but the only piece of news we found of personal interest to ourselves was that my father had been made a K.C.B.

Project Gutenberg
Forty-one years in India from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.