World's War Events $v Volume 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 421 pages of information about World's War Events $v Volume 3.

World's War Events $v Volume 3 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 421 pages of information about World's War Events $v Volume 3.

Deportations, II, 161-162

Destroyers, American, III, 7-31

Dickman, Major General, commands First Corps, III, 263;
  in St. Mihiel battle, III, 255

Dobrudja, disposed of by Germany, III, 175;
  failure of defense in, II, 134

Doiran Lake, British lines near, II, 246

Donnelly, Lieutenant, surprises Turks, I, 235-236

Douaumont, attacks at, II, 21;
  French victory at, II, 27

Drake, exploits of, I, 149

Duchess of Hohenberg, I, 9

Dunkirk, bombed, I, 109-110;
  objective of Germans, I, 103


East African Campaigns, III, 32-53

Egypt, natural routes to, II, 178;
  need for large army, II, 180

Eightieth Division, available for St. Mihiel, III, 255;
  in Argonne, III, 258

Eighty-ninth Division, at St. Mihiel, III, 255

Eighty-second Division, at St. Mihiel, III, 255;
  in reserve in Argonne, III, 259

Eighty-seventh Division, in Argonne, III, 259

Eitel Friedrich, in Falkland fight, I, 162-174;
  interns at Newport News, I, 174

Emden, cruise of, I, 176-197;
  ships captured by, I, 179-180

Engineers, sent to France, II, 328;
  training of, II, 327;
  work of, in Argonne, III, 259

England on neutrality of Belgium, I, 30-31;
  scorns German proposal, I, 26-27

Erzerum, taken by Russians, I, 183

Evan-Thomas, Admiral, report on Jutland Bank, II, 39


Falkland Sea Fight, I, 142-175

Festubert, Canadian advance at, I, 274-275

Fifth Division, at St. Mihiel, III, 255

First Division, at St. Mihiel, III, 255;
  in drive for Soissons, III, 252;
  in reserve in Argonne, III, 259;
  takes Berzy-le-Sec, III, 252

Flanders, Battle of, I, 97;
  German attack in, I, 101-103

Foch, General, afterward Marshal, outmanoeuvres Germans in Battle of
     the Marne, I, 93;
  launches counteroffensive, III, 252;
  uses American troops in Picardy and on the Marne, III, 249, 250

Food, in Belgium, II, 168

Forts of Liege, I, 54-59

Forts, on banks of Meuse, I, 54-56

Forty-Second (Rainbow) Division, at St. Mihiel, III, 255;
  captures Sergy, III, 253

Fourth Division, in Argonne, III, 258;
  relieves Forty-second, III, 253

France, her wounded heroes, III, 138-152;
  Germany declares war on, I, 35;
  German rule in, II, 159-173;
  control cards, II, 160

Francis Ferdinand, Archduke, assassination of, I, 10;
  character of, I, 7-9;
  marriage to Sophie Chotek, I, 9;
  political designs of, I, 7-9

French, Sir John, on Battle of the Marne, I, 73-82;
  on Great Retreat, I, 62-72

Project Gutenberg
World's War Events $v Volume 3 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.