Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (3 of 8) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 78 pages of information about Chronicles (1 of 6).

Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (3 of 8) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 78 pages of information about Chronicles (1 of 6).

[Sidenote:  MORINDUS.] Morindus the bastard sonne of Elanius was admitted king of Britaine, in the yeare of the world 3667, after the building of Rome 451, after the deliuerance of the Israelites 236, and in the tenth yeare of Cassander K. of Macedonia, which hauing dispatched Olimpias the mother of Alexander the great, and gotten Roxanes with Alexanders sonne into his hands, vsurped the kingdome of the Macedonians, and held it 15 yeeres.  This Morindus in the English chronicle is called Morwith, and was a man of worthie fame in chiualrie and martiall dooings, but so cruell withall, that his vnmercifull nature could scarse be satisfied with the torments of them that had offended him, although oftentimes with his owne hands he cruellie put them to torture and execution.  He was also beautifull and comelie of personage, liberall and bounteous, and of a maruellous strength.

[Sidenote:  G.  Mon.] In his daies, a certeine king of the people called Moriani, with a great armie landed in Northumberland, and began to make cruell warre vpon the inhabitants.  But Morindus aduertised heerof, assembled his Britains, came against the enimies, and in battell putting them to flight, chased them to their ships, and tooke a great number of them prisoners, whome to the satisfieng of his cruell nature he caused to be slaine euen in his presence.  Some of them were headed, some strangled, some panched, and some he caused to be slaine quicke.

¶ These people (whome Gal.  Mon. nameth Moriani) I take to be either those that inhabited about Terrouane and Calice, called Morini, or [Sidenote:  The like may be thought of those Murreis or Morauians of whom H.B. speaketh. Fabian.] some other people of the Galles or Germaines, and not as some esteeme them, Morauians, or Merhenners, which were not known to the world (as Humfrey Llhoyd hath verie well noted) till about the daies of the emperour Mauricius, which misconstruction of names hath brought the British historie further out of credit than reason requireth, if the circumstances be dulie considered.

But now to end with Morindus.  At length this bloudie prince heard of a monster that was come a land out of the Irish sea, with the which when he would needs fight, he was deuoured of the same, after he had reigned the terme of 8 yeeres, leauing behind him fiue sonnes, Gorbonianus, Archigallus, Elidurus, Vigenius, or Nigenius, and Peredurus.

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Of Gorbonianus, Archigallus, Elidurus, Vigenius, and Peredurus, the fiue sons of Morindius, the building of Cambridge, the restitution of Archigallus to the regiment after his depriuation, Elidurus three times admitted king, his death and place of interrement.


[Sidenote:  GORBOMEN OR GORBONIANUS.] Gorbonianus the first son of Morindus succeeded his father in the kingdome of Britain, in the yeere of the world 3676, after the building of Rome 461, and fourth yeere of the 121.  Olimpiad.  This Gorbonianus in the English chronicle is named Granbodian, and was a righteous prince in his gouernment, and verie deuout (according to [Sidenote:  A righteous and religious prince.] such deuotion as he had) towards the aduancing of the religion of his gods:  and thervpon he repaired all the old temples through his kingdome, and erected some new.

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Chronicles (1 of 6): The Historie of England (3 of 8) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.