OSIO, Gianpaolo:
his intrigue with Virginia de Leyva, i.
318 sqq.;
murders her waiting-woman, 322;
attempts to murder two other nuns, 324;
his letter of defence to Cardinal Federigo
Borromeo, 326;
condemned to death and outlawed, 327;
terms of the Bando, 328;
his end, 329.
OSORIO, Don Alvaro, Grand Marshal of Spain, i. 22.
OUTLAWRY in Italy in the sixteenth century, i. 307 sqq.
OXFORD, Giordano Bruno’s reception at, ii. 144.
PACHECO, Cardinal, the foe of the Caraffeschi, i. 105.
PADUAN school of scepictism, the, influence of, on Tasso, ii. 20.
PAGANELLO, Conte, assassin of Vittoria Accoramboni, i. 371.
PAINTING in the late years of the sixteenth century,
ii. 344;
Eclecticism, 345;
influence of the Tridentine Council, 347;
the Mannerists, 348;
Baroccio, 349;
the Caracci, 350 sqq.;
studies of the Bolognese painters, 352;
academical ideality, 354;
Guido, Albani, Domenichino, 355 sqq.;
criticism of Domenichino’s work,
the Italian Realists, 363 sqq.;
Lo Spada, 364;
Il Guercino, 365;
critical reaction against the Eclectics,
fundamental principles of criticism, 370
PAIX des Dames, i. 9, 16.
PALAZZO Vernio, Academy (musical) of the, ii. 340;
distinguished composers of its school,
his opinion of the Index, i. 197, 214.
PALESTRINA, Giovanni Pier Luigi:
his birth and early musical training,
ii. 323;
uneventful life of the Princeps Musicae,
relations with the Congregation for Musical
Reform, 325;
the legend and the facts about
Missa Papae Marcelli, 326 sqq.,
331 n.;
Palestrina’s commission, 331;
the three Masses in competition, 332;
the award by the Congregation and the
Pope, 334;
Palestrina’s connection with S.
Filippo Neri, 334;
Arie Divote composed for the Oratory,
335 sq.;
character of the new music, 335;
influence of Palestrina on Italian music,
estimate of the general benefit derived
by music from him, 337 sq.
PALLAVICINI, on Paul IV.’s seal for the Holy Office, i. 107 n.
PALLAVICINO, Matteo, murder of, by Marcello Accoramboni, i. 358.
—–Duke of (nephew of Paul IV.), murders
committed by, i. 379;
his execution, 380.
PANCIROLI, Guido, Tasso’s master in the study of law, ii. 20.
PAPACY, the, its position after the sack of Rome,
i. 13;
tyranny of, arising from the instinct
of self-preservation, 54;
dislike of, for General Councils, 90;
manipulation of the Council of Trent,
97 sqq., 119 sqq.;
its supremacy founded by that Council,
later policy of the Popes, 149 sqq.,