‘MATERIE Beneficiarie, Delle,’ Sarpi’s, ii. 219.
MAXIMILIAN, Emperor, allied against Venice with Louis XII., i. 12.
MAZZOLA, Francesco (Il Parmigianino), i. 42.
MEDA, Caterina da (waiting-woman of Virginia de Leyva), murder of, i. 322.
MEDIAEVAL habits, survival of, in Italy in the sixteenth century, i. 306.
MEDICI, de’, family of:
their advances towards Despotism, i. 10;
violent deaths of members, 382 sqq.;
eleven murdered in a half-century, 387.
—–Alessandro, Duke of Florence, i. 19, 46, 388.
—–Cosimo, i. 46;
made Grand Duke of Tuscany, 47.
—–Giovanni, i. 11.
—–Ippolito, i. 19.
—–Lorenzino, assassination of his
cousin Alessandro
(Duke of Florence) by, i. 388;
details of his own murder, 389 sqq.
—–Lorenzo, i. 10.
—–Maria, the Court of, as Regent of France, ii. 263.
—–Piero, i. 10.
MEDICI, Gian Giacomo (brother of Pius IV.), i. 50, 109.
—–Giovanni Angelo, see PIUS IV.
—–Margherita (sister of Pius IV.), mother of Carlo Borromeo, i. 115 n.
MENDOZA, Don Hurtado de, i. 47.
MERSENNE, evidence of, as to the burning of Giordano Bruno, ii. 164 n.
METAPHYSICAL speculators in Italy, i. 73.
METAURUS, the, Tasso’s ode to, ii. 63.
METEMPSYCHOSIS, Bruno’s doctrine of, ii. 160.
MEXICO, the early Jesuits in, i. 260.
MIANI, Girolamo, founder of the congregation of the
Somascans, i. 79;
his relations with Loyola, 242.
MILAN, Duchy of:
its state in 1494, i. 8.
MOCENIGO, Giovanni:
his character, ii. 152;
invites Giordano Bruno to Venice, 153;
the object of the invitation, 154;
their intercourse, 155;
Bruno denounced to the Inquisition by
Mocenigo, 157.
—–Luigi, on the relations between Pius IV. and Cardinal Morone, i. 110 n.
MODENA and Bologna, humors of the conflict between, ii. 304.
MONOPOLIES, system of, in Italy, i. 49.
MONTALTO, Cardinal, nephew of Sixtus V., i. 157.
MONTEBELLO, Baron, the tale of, i. 428.
MONTECATINO, Antonio, an enemy of Tasso at Ferrara,
ii. 48, 50, 60, 62;
his downfall, 66.
MONTE OLIVETO, the monastery of, Tasso at, ii, 74.
MORALS, social and domestic, in Italy, effect of the
Catholic Revival on, i. 301 sqq.;
outcome of the Tridentine decrees, 302;
hypocrisy and ceremonial observances,
sufferings of the lower classes, ib.;
increase of crimes of violence, 304;
mistrust between the aristocracy and the
bourgeoisie, 306;
survival of mediaeval habits, ib.;