The Transvaal from Within eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 649 pages of information about The Transvaal from Within.

The Transvaal from Within eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 649 pages of information about The Transvaal from Within.

July 26.—­The matter of purchasing diamond drills cropping up, the PRESIDENT said it was true that the two industries mining and agriculture went hand in hand, but it must be remembered that every fresh goldfield opened meant a fresh stream of people and extra expenses.  He hoped the Raad would excuse him referring to it, but the Raad took away the revenue and still asked for money.  There was the reduction of postage; now it was asked to spend money on boring machines, when each new field meant so much extra expense.  Machines for water boring were cheap and not fitted with diamonds like those for mining, which required to be handled by experts.  It must be remembered that money voted for agricultural purposes was spent here, while for the gold industry it was sent away.  The Raad must be careful how the money was voted.



August 5.—­A memorial was read from Krugersdorp praying that the Raad would pass a law to prohibit the sending up of bombs into the clouds to bring down rain, as it was a defiance of God and would most likely bring down a visitation from the Almighty.

The Memorial Committee reported that they disapproved of such a thing, but at the same time they did not consider they could make a law on the subject.

Mr. A.D.  WOLMARANS said he was astonished at this advice, and he expected better from the Commission.  If one of their children fired towards the clouds with a revolver they would thrash him.  Why should they permit people to mock at the Almighty in this manner?  It was terrible to contemplate.  He hoped that the Raad would take steps to prevent such things happening.

The CHAIRMAN (who is also a member of the Memorial Commission) said the Commission thought that such things were only done for a wager.

Mr. ERASMUS said they were not done for a wager but in real earnest.  People at Johannesburg actually thought that they could bring down the rain from the clouds by firing cannons at them.

Mr. JAN MEYER said such things were actually done in Johannesburg.  Last year during the drought men were engaged to send charges of dynamite into the clouds.  They fired from the Wanderers’ Ground and from elsewhere, but without result.  Then some one went to Germiston and fired at a passing cloud; but there was no rain.  The cloud sailed away, and the heavens became clear and beautifully blue.  He had reported the matter to the Government.

Mr. DU TOIT (Carolina) said he had heard that there were companies in Europe which employed numbers of men to do nothing but shoot at the clouds simply to bring down rain.  It was wonderful that men could think of doing such things; they ought to be prohibited here.  He did not consider that the Raad would be justified in passing a law on the subject, however; but he thought all the same that they should express their strongest disapproval of such practices.

Project Gutenberg
The Transvaal from Within from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.