Procter, Bryan Waller (Barry Cornwall), marriage to
Anne Skeeper, 353;
“White Devil,” 353.
Proctor, 124, 342.
Proctor, Mrs., her habit of crediting others with her wise sayings, 127, 401.
Proctor, Emily, 401.
“Prometheus unbound,” 496.
Prospero, 252, 338.
“Provoked Husband, The,” 315, 328, 504;
at Southampton, 453;
at Fanny Kemble’s benefit, 529.
Pickersgill, 365.
Queen, the, at Bridgewater House, 422.
“Quentin Durward,” 444.
Quarterly Review, its critique of “Francis I.,” 516.
Rachel, Mlle., her performance of Camille,
Jules Janin’s first notice of her,
Racine, 307, 410.
Radley, Mr., of the Adelphi, 303.
Railroads in England, 443;
between Liverpool and Manchester, 278.
Ramahun Roy, the Rajah, 178, 479;
general appearance, 515.
Raphael, his skull, 528.
Reade, Charles, “The King’s Wager,” 308.
Redcliffe Church, 433.
Reeve compared with Liston, 508.
Reform Bill, 344, 394, 459, 460, 478.
Regalia, Scottish, incident of, 157.
Reichardt, or Reis, 100.
Religious faith, 476.
Retsch’s illustrations of “Hamlet,”
disinclination for illustrating “Romeo
and Juliet,” ib.;
illustrations of “Faust,”
Revolution of 1830, the, 276.
Revolution, Spanish, 335, 336, 356, 359, 478, 479, 484.
Rhodez, scene of the Fauldes Tragedy, 466.
“Richard III.,” 119.
Richter, 80.
“Rienzi,” 354.
Rigby, Mr., 4.
Rio, M., 73.
Ristori, 571.
Rivens, Lady, 4.
“Robert the Devil” at Covent Garden, 507;
M. Levassor’s ludicrous account
of, 507, 509.
Robertson, Frederick, 168.
Robinson, Anastasia, marriage to Earl of Peterborough, 437.
“Rob Roy,” 488.
Rogers, 379, 504
“Roman de la Rose.” 357.
“Romeo and Juliet,” 257, 342, 414;
at Bristol, 424, 443;
at Weymouth, 449;
at Southampton, 452, 485;
John Mason’s first appearance in,
486, 523;
in New York, 542.
Romilly, Mrs. Edward, 342.
Romillys, the, 183.
Rossini, 100.
Roxelane, 68.
Rowden, Mrs., 45, 47, 67.
Russell, Earl, 347, 404;
appearance of, 492;
incident of Sir Robert Inglis, 493;
responsibility in Reform Bill, 494.
“Rush-bearing,” a, 296.
Ruthven, his proceeding toward Mary Stuart, 489.
Rutland, Duke of, 22.
Rye, 521.
Sackville, 462.
“Sacrament,” preparation, 403.
“Sakuntala,” 178.
De Sales, Francis, 426.
Salisbury, Lady, in “Isaure,” 382;
“Wednesday Morning” at Hatfield
House, 394.