The Pot of Gold eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 221 pages of information about The Pot of Gold.

The Pot of Gold eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 221 pages of information about The Pot of Gold.

When the time for the examination drew near, there were two boys whom every one thought would obtain the situation, although some of the other boys had lingering hopes for themselves; if only the Monks would examine them on the last six weeks, they thought they might pass.  Still all the older people had decided in their minds that the Monks would choose these two boys.  One was the Prince, the King’s oldest son; and the other was a poor boy named Peter.  The Prince was no better than the other boys; indeed, to tell the truth, he was not so good; in fact, was the biggest rogue in the whole country; but all the lords and the ladies, and all the people who admired the lords and ladies, said it was their solemn belief that the Prince was the best boy in the whole kingdom; and they were prepared to give in their testimony, one and all, to that effect to the Christmas Monks.

[Illustration:  The Boys Read the Notice]

Peter was really and truly such a good boy that there was no excuse for saying he was not.  His father and mother were poor people; and Peter worked every minute out of school hours, to help them along.  Then he had a sweet little crippled sister whom he was never tired of caring for.  Then, too, he contrived to find time to do lots of little kindnesses for other people.  He always studied his lessons faithfully, and never ran away from school.  Peter was such a good boy, and so modest and unsuspicious that he was good, that everybody loved him.  He had not the least idea that he could get the place with the Christmas Monks, but the Prince was sure of it.

When the examination day came all the boys from far and near, with their hair neatly brushed and parted, and dressed in their best clothes, flocked into the convent.  Many of their relatives and friends went with them to witness the examination.

The refectory of the convent where they assembled, was a very large hall with a delicious smell of roast turkey and plum pudding in it.  All the little boys sniffed, and their mouths watered.

The two fathers who were to examine the boys were perched up in a high pulpit so profusely trimmed with evergreen that it looked like a bird’s nest; they were remarkably pleasant-looking men, and their eyes twinkled merrily under their Christmas wreaths.  Father Anselmus was a little the taller of the two, and Father Ambrose was a little the broader; and that was about all the difference between them in looks.

The little boys all stood up in a row, their friends stationed themselves in good places, and the examination began.

Then if one had been placed beside the entrance to the convent, he would have seen one after another, a crestfallen little boy with his arm lifted up and crooked, and his face hidden in it, come out and walk forlornly away.  He had failed to pass.

The two fathers found out that this boy had robbed birds’ nests, and this one stolen apples.  And one after another they walked disconsolately away till there were only two boys left:  the Prince and Peter.

Project Gutenberg
The Pot of Gold from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.