Four Months Besieged eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 213 pages of information about Four Months Besieged.

Four Months Besieged eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 213 pages of information about Four Months Besieged.
and found that he had been deserted by all his friends.  It was poetical justice that Colonel Edwardes and Major Karri Davis of the corps which Big Ben had shelled most persistently should be first to lay hands on him and claim every part that could be taken away as a rightful trophy for the Imperial Light Horse.  But Major Henderson, in spite of his wounds, General Sir Archibald Hunter, and Major King were in the redoubt at that moment, and therefore the honours are divided.  Doctor Platt, of the Border Mounted, claims to have been among the first four in.  Some of the Carbineers are also under the impression that they captured a gun, and though there is nothing to show for it, they deserve full credit for an important share in the night’s success.  A line was formed in rear of the battery, while engineers put rings of gun-cotton round Big Ben’s muzzle and breech.  Then fuses were set alight, and our men retired hastily beyond reach of the imminent explosion.  After that engineers and artillerymen went back to make sure that their work had not been bungled, and saw with satisfaction that the gun-cotton had rent great holes through Big Ben’s breech in two places, rendering him totally unfit for foreign service.  This was the crowning act of a great achievement, and the force that had aided in its accomplishment marched back to camp triumphantly just as day broke.

As a precautionary measure, in case there should be a reverse, and with the object also of cutting off any fugitive Boers who might fly panic-stricken from Gun Hill, the 19th Hussars had gone earlier to make a demonstration by way of Limit Hill, towards Modder’s Spruit, and destroy some Boer stores.  With characteristic faith in the luck that has favoured bold cavalry enterprises so often, they pushed far forward and gained some valuable information at the risk of being cut off, but fortunately that did not happen.  Meanwhile the 18th, jealous for the great reputation they have won as scouts, attempted a movement even more hazardous.  In advance of General Brocklehurst’s reconnoitring force one squadron of this regiment made straight for a position which the enemy was believed to hold in strength between Pepworth’s and Surprise Hill.  To do this they crossed near a deep cutting through which the Harrismith railway passes, and there came under a terribly heavy fire, against which even their hardihood was not proof.  Retiring, they made a detour to avoid unnecessary exposure, and swept round two small kopjes, where not a Boer had been seen previously.  But, as it happened, the stony ridges were full of riflemen, who, without emerging from their concealment, brought a furious fusillade to bear on the Hussars, who had to run the gauntlet at full speed, all but one, and he, with gallant self-sacrifice, rode straight towards the nearer kopje, drawing the whole fire on himself, and thus giving his comrades time to get clear.  Fortunately not a bullet touched him as he wheeled about, lay flat on his saddle-bow, and galloped after

Project Gutenberg
Four Months Besieged from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.