In the Shadow of Death eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 231 pages of information about In the Shadow of Death.

In the Shadow of Death eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 231 pages of information about In the Shadow of Death.

A second meeting of officers for the purpose of electing a Chief Commandant was next held.  In that meeting Prinsloo was elected Chief Commandant, but, as not all the officers were present, some of them being still in the positions, it was beforehand agreed that the man elected by that meeting should have no authority before the votes of the absent officers were taken, and when their votes came in it was found that General Roux, and not Prinsloo, was elected.

The latter, however, entered into negotiations with the enemy before this question as to whom was to be Chief Commandant was settled.  He first asked for an armistice, which was refused.  Then he asked for terms, to which General Hunter replied:  “Unconditional surrender is demanded.”  Prinsloo, well aware that the burghers would not surrender unconditionally, pleaded and insisted on terms.

At this juncture Vilonel, the deserter, who had been sentenced for five years’ imprisonment for high treason, but who was, unfortunately, released, appeared on the scene.  He came from the British lines, met Prinsloo, and officiated as intermediary between Generals Hunter and Prinsloo.  Something in the shape of terms was drawn up, but these terms, if tested and analysed, amounted to unconditional surrender.  As soon as Prinsloo was in possession of these conditions, he forwarded a report to the different commandants that he had been successful in obtaining good terms from the English, and that they must evacuate their positions so as to arrange for a surrender.  This report was sent on to Commandant Potgieter of Smithfield with instructions to forward it to the next commandant.

General Roux, on learning of Prinsloo’s doings, at once dispatched a report to the different commandos notifying to them that Prinsloo had no right to negotiate with the enemy, to ask for or accept terms for a surrender.  Also, that the burghers must on no account abandon their positions.  He, so the report ran, would personally go to protest against the illegal surrender.  The General went, but did not return.  Why he went himself, and did not send one of his adjutants with a written protest, seems still very strange to us.  He was warned not to go.  General Fourie’s last words to him were:  “Good-bye, General; I greet you, never to see you again in the Boer ranks.”  He did not heed the warning, and so we lost one of our bravest and best leaders.

Unfortunately, General Roux’s report fell into the hands of Commandant Potgieter, who, siding with Prinsloo on the question of a surrender, had it destroyed whilst Prinsloo’s was forwarded.  This settled the whole affair.  The positions were evacuated, and in part occupied by the enemy.  Still, at the eleventh hour, there was a possibility of escape.  The long trail of waggons would have been captured, but most, if not all, the burghers could have found their way out.  But no, they were to be duped by a set of unscrupulous officers.  They were told

Project Gutenberg
In the Shadow of Death from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.