Wood. Peace, you lying rogue!—Believe me, sir, bating his necessary expences of women, which I know you would not have him want, in all things else, he was the best manager of your allowance; and, though I say it—
Gerv. [Aside.] That should not say it.
Wood. The most hopeful young gentleman in Paris.
Aldo. Report speaks otherwise; and, before George, I shall read him a wormwood lecture, when I see him. But, hark, I hear the door unlock; the lovers are coming out: I’ll stay here, to wheedle him abroad; but you must vanish.
Wood. Like night and the moon, in the Maid’s Tragedy: I into mist; you into day[5]. [Exeunt WOOD. and GER.
SCENE changes to LIMBERHAM’S apartment.
Limb. Nay, but dear sweet honey Pug, forgive me but this once: It may be any man’s case, when his desires are too vehement.
Trick. Let me alone; I care not.
Limb. But then thou wilt not love me, Pug.
Aldo. How now, son Limberham? There’s no quarrel towards, I hope.
Trick. You had best tell now, and make yourself ridiculous.
Limb. She’s in passion: Pray do you moderate this matter, father Aldo.
Trick. Father Aldo! I wonder you are not ashamed to call him so; you may be his father, if the truth were known.
Aldo. Before George, I smell a rat, son Limberham. I doubt, I doubt, here has been some great omission in love affairs.
Limb. I think all the stars in heaven have conspired my ruin. I’ll look in my almanack.—As I hope for mercy, ’tis cross day now.
Trick. Hang your pitiful excuses. ’Tis well known what offers I have had, and what fortunes I might have made with others, like a fool as I was, to throw away my youth and beauty upon you. I could have had a young handsome lord, that offered me my coach and six; besides many a good knight and gentleman, that would have parted with their own ladies, and have settled half they had upon me.
Limb. Ay, you said so.
Trick. I said so, sir! Who am I? Is not my word as good as yours?
Limb. As mine gentlewoman? though I say it, my word will go for thousands.
Trick. The more shame for you, that you have done no more for me: But I am resolved I’ll not lose my time with you; I’ll part.
Limb. Do, who cares? Go to Dog-and-Bitch yard, and help your mother to make footmen’s shirts.
Trick. I defy you, slanderer; I defy you.
Aldo. Nay, dear daughter!
Limb. I defy her too.
Aldo. Nay, good son!
Trick. Let me alone: I’ll have him cudgelled by my footman.