The Lord, our God, is full of might,
The winds obey his will;
He speaks,—and, in his heavenly height,
The rolling sun stands still.
2 Rebel, ye waves, and o’er the land
With threatening aspect roar;
The Lord uplifts his awful hand,
And chains you to the shore.
3 Howl, winds of night, your force combine;
Without his high behest,
Ye shall not, in the mountain pine,
Disturb the sparrow’s nest.
4 His voice sublime is heard afar,
In distant peals it dies;
He yokes the whirlwind to his car,
And sweeps the howling skies.
5 Ye nations bend—in reverence bend;
Ye monarchs, wait his nod,
And bid the choral song ascend
To celebrate your God.
H. Kirke White.
74 Manoah. C.M.
Great God! how infinite art thou!
What worthless worms are we!
Let the whole race of creatures bow,
And pay their praise to thee.
2 Thy throne eternal ages stood,
Ere seas or stars were made:
Thou art the ever-living God,
Were all the nations dead.
3 Eternity, with all its years,
Stands present in thy view;
To thee there’s nothing old appears—
Great God! there’s nothing new.
4 Our lives through various scenes are drawn,
And vexed with trifling cares;
While thine eternal thought moves on
Thine undisturbed affairs.
5 Great God! how infinite art thou!
What worthless worms are we!
Let the whole race of creatures bow.
And pay their praise to thee.
Isaac Watts.
75 Italy. 6s & 4s.
The Trinity Adored. (394)
Come, thou Almighty King!
Help us thy name to sing,
Help us to praise;
Father all glorious!
O’er all victorious,
Come and reign over us,
Ancient of days!
2 Come, thou incarnate Word!
Gird on thy mighty sword;
Our prayer attend:
Come, and thy people bless,
And give thy word success;
Spirit of holiness,
On us descend.
3 Come, holy Comforter!
Thy sacred witness bear
In this glad hour:
Thou who almighty art,
Now rule in every heart,
And ne’er from us depart,
Spirit of power!
4 To the great One in Three,
The highest praises be,
Hence, evermore!
His sovereign majesty
May we in glory see,
And to eternity
Love and adore.
Charles Wesley, 1757.
76 All Saints. L.M.
Praise to the Trinity (391)
Blest be the Father and his love,
To whose celestial source we owe
Rivers of endless joy above,
And rills of comfort here below.
2 Glory to thee, great Son of God!
From whose dear, wounded body rolls
A precious stream of vital blood—
Pardon and life for dying souls