Unfurl the Temperance Banner, 538 Unveil thy bosom, faithful tomb, 491
Vain are the hopes the sons of men, 185
Wake, wake the song! our glad, 545
Walk in the light! so shall thou know, 351
Wayfarers in the wilderness, 499
We are living, we are dwelling, 408
We bless thee for thy peace, O God, 333
We give thee but thine own, 405
We have heard the joyful sound, 191
We long to move and breathe in thee, 482
We may not climb the heavenly steeps, 105
We praise thee, O God, for the Son, 315
We shall meet beyond the river, 524
Welcome, delightful morn, 49
Welcome, O Savior! to my heart, 259
Welcome, sacred day of rest, 50
Welcome! sweet day of rest, 43
What a Friend we have in Jesus, 395
What grace, O Lord, and beauty, shone, 104
What means this glorious radiance, 103
When I can read my title clear, 515
When I view my Savior bleeding, 133
When I survey the wondrous cross, 119
When Jesus comes to reward his, 422
When peace like a river, 251
When the worn spirit wants repose, 47
When thou, my righteous Judge, shalt, 506
When wounded sore, the stricken soul, 187
While in sweet communion feeding, 479
While shepherds watched their flocks, 96
Who’ll be the next to follow Jesus,
Why do we mourn departing friends, 493
Why do you wait, dear brother, 207
Why should our tears in sorrow flow, 495
Why should the children of a King, 169
With joy we mediate the grace, 157
With stately towers and bulwarks, 431
With thine own pity Savior, see, 462
Witness, ye men and angels! now, 470
Work, for the night is coming, 416
Would you lose your load of sin, 242
Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim, 29
Yes, God is good; in earth and sky, 83
Yes, we trust the day is breaking, 453
Ye wretched, hungry, starving poor, 209
Yield not to temptation, 430
Zion, dreary and in anguish, 444
Zion stands with hills surrounded, 440