Oh, for a closer walk with God, 330
Oh, for a faith that will not shrink, 364
Oh, for a heart to praise my God, 331
Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing, 288
O God, our help in ages past, 78
Oh, happy day, that fixed my choice, 466
O Holy Savior, Friend unseen, 279
Oh, how happy are they, 248
O, I often sit and ponder, 530
O Jesus full of grace, 271
O, Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord, 292
O Jesus! sweet the tears I shed, 123
O Lord, how full of sweet content, 343
O Love I who gav’st thy life for me, 140
Oh, now I see the cleansing wave, 283
Oh, render thanks to God above, 10
O, sacred head, now wounded, 120
Oh, scatter seeds of loving deeds, 414
Oh, still in accents sweet, 463
Oh, that I could forever dwell, 314
Oh, that my load of sin were gone, 232
Oh, the peace that fills my soul, 255
O, think of the home over there, 517
O thou, in whose presence my soul, 323
Oh, Thou, the contrite sinner’s Friend, 354
Oh thou, whose own vast temple stands, 41
Oh, turn ye, oh turn ye, for why, 215
Oh, weary pilgrim, lift your head, 382
Oh, what if we are Christ’s, 359
O when shall I see Jesus, 296
On! where are kings and empires, 432
Oh, where shall rest be found, 228
Oh, wondrous, deep, unbounded love, 244
Oh, wondrous type, oh, vision fair, 113
O worship the King, all-glorious above, 28
Of him who did salvation bring, 320
One sweetly solemn thought, 500
On Jordan’s stormy bank I stand, 528
Only a word for Jesus, 420
On the mountain’s top appearing, 441
Onward, onward, men of heaven, 445
Oppressed with noonday’s scorching, 124
Our children, Lord, in faith and prayer, 483
Our country’s voice is pleading, 456
Our Father who art in heaven, 396
Our Lord is now rejected, 160
Our sins on Christ were laid, 126
Oh, for a faith that will not shrink, 364
Oh, for a heart to praise my God, 331
Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing, 288
O God, our help in ages past, 78
Oh, happy day, that fixed my choice, 466
O Holy Savior, Friend unseen, 279
Oh, how happy are they, 248
O, I often sit and ponder, 530
O Jesus full of grace, 271
O, Jesus, Jesus, dearest Lord, 292
O Jesus! sweet the tears I shed, 123
O Lord, how full of sweet content, 343
O Love I who gav’st thy life for me, 140
Oh, now I see the cleansing wave, 283
Oh, render thanks to God above, 10
O, sacred head, now wounded, 120
Oh, scatter seeds of loving deeds, 414
Oh, still in accents sweet, 463
Oh, that I could forever dwell, 314
Oh, that my load of sin were gone, 232
Oh, the peace that fills my soul, 255
O, think of the home over there, 517
O thou, in whose presence my soul, 323
Oh, Thou, the contrite sinner’s Friend, 354
Oh thou, whose own vast temple stands, 41
Oh, turn ye, oh turn ye, for why, 215
Oh, weary pilgrim, lift your head, 382
Oh, what if we are Christ’s, 359
O when shall I see Jesus, 296
On! where are kings and empires, 432
Oh, where shall rest be found, 228
Oh, wondrous, deep, unbounded love, 244
Oh, wondrous type, oh, vision fair, 113
O worship the King, all-glorious above, 28
Of him who did salvation bring, 320
One sweetly solemn thought, 500
On Jordan’s stormy bank I stand, 528
Only a word for Jesus, 420
On the mountain’s top appearing, 441
Onward, onward, men of heaven, 445
Oppressed with noonday’s scorching, 124
Our children, Lord, in faith and prayer, 483
Our country’s voice is pleading, 456
Our Father who art in heaven, 396
Our Lord is now rejected, 160
Our sins on Christ were laid, 126
Peace be still! In this night of sorrow,
Pour out thy Spirit from on high, 464
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,
Praise the Lord; ye heavens adore him, 24
Praise to God, immortal praise, 546
Praise to thee, thou great Creator, 27
Prayer is appointed to convey, 385
Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire,